Download the appropriate binary from the release tab
cf install-plugin PATH_TO_THE_BINARY
cf whoami
cf uninstall "Whoami Plugin"
Run tests
If you want to install the plugin locally and test it manually
In order to create a new release, follow these steps
- Create local tag and binaries
./scripts/ release VERSION_NUMBER #(e.g. 0.7.0)
- Copy the output of the previous command from the first line (should be '- name: whoami-plugin' to the last checksum line (should be something like checksum: fde5fd52c40ea4c34330426c09c143a76a77a8db)
- Push the tag
git push --follow-tags
- On github, create new release based on new tag here
- Upload the three binaries from the ./bin folders to the release (Linux, OSX and Win64)
- Fork this repo and clone it locally
- Edit the repo-index.yml
vi repo-index.yml
to override the existing section about the whoami plugin with the text previously copied in Step 2.
- Push the change to your fork
- Create a PR against the original repo