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CyberStorm 1 Easter eggs and cheat codes

Matt Jernigan edited this page May 10, 2019 · 1 revision

Easter Eggs

August 1996 reveal: Try naming a bioderm "Elsa". It seems that one of the programmers has a dog named Elsa...

September 1996 reveal: Multiplayer version of the "Elsa" Easter egg. Try typing "Elsa" in the chat line while you're in the invite screen in multiplayer mode. (Then ask your opponents what happens.)

October 1996 reveal: Try right-clicking on some of the bioderm facility screens in the background while you're in the Medvat.

November 1996 reveal: We have a means of creating a multiplayer game with more than 12 units. First, load up one of your single-player forces with more than 12 units. Then, name one of the HERCs on that force Big John. When you go to a multiplayer battle with this force, all units will be there!

December 1996 reveal: Name a bioderm Kurosh to have him transformed into Kaesar's Genetic Matrix.

Reported by Bobby Yen: If you order Tarsus to self-detonate his Herc, he will refuse and disable the self-detonator.


Multi-player Cheat Codes

See the Easter Eggs above. That's all you get.

Single-player Cheat Codes

Add these codes to CSTORM.INI to turn on entries in the "Special" pull-down menu. Some entries appear while on the Herc Base screen. The others appear while in a battle.

Herc Base screen

Greed options

Code Menu Description
I'll buy that for a credit Get 1 credit For the extreme penny pinchers.
For a few credits more Get 1,000 credits Gives you 1,000 credits.
Credits from heaven Get 10,000 credits Gives you 10,000 credits.
I need more wheat Get 100,000 credits Gives you 100,000 credits.
It's good to be the king Get Mega credits Gives you 47,000,000 credits.

Career options

Code Menu Description
Heal me Repair all Hercs and pilots Repairs your Herc fleet and heals your bioderms for free.
I don't like those Get new missions to try Randomly reshuffles the missions available to chose from in the Command Center, with the exception of the CC Assault (which is fixed for each system).
BrownNoser Jump to the next rank Advances you to the next rank.
God Emperor of M138 Become Max-O-Commander Advances you to the rank of Herc Commander, gives you 9,000,000 Credits, and brings you up to the maximum number of Hercs and Bioderms.
Boto bombs anyone? Buy Special BGMs Makes the unique Bioderms available for purchase.
Herc me some more All Hercs are purchasable Allows you to purchase all Herc types regardless of your rank.
He who dies with the most toys All technologies are purchasable Allows you to purchase all weapons and equipment regardless of your rank.

While in a battle

Affects current Herc/Bioderm

Code Menu Description
I am whole again Heal current pilot Fully heals the current pilot but does not remove drug effects.
I'm feeling much better Repair current Herc Repairs the active Herc.
Run like the wind Energize current Herc Renews the battery and reactor power of the active Herc.
I'll be back Restock current Herc Refills all ammunition for the active Herc.
I cheat therefore I am Reset current Herc Returns the active Herc to the condition it started the battle in, i.e. full energy, full ammo, fully repaired.
Now this might sting a bit Touch 'o Death (one) Allows the active Herc to destroy the next target it hits with one shot.
Be very afraid Touch 'o Death (many) Allows the active Herc to destroy any target it hits with one shot for the remainder of the turn.
Let me help you Computer Control: NONE, MINE, ATTACK Brings up a menu which allows you to turn over control of the active Herc to the computer. All computer-controlled actions take place on the Cybrid's turn.

Affects all Hercs

Code Menu Description
Hollywood Hercs Reset entire force Returns all Hercs to the condition in which they began the battle, i.e. full energy, full ammo, fully repaired.
Fly like an eagle MegaEnergize force Gives all Hercs infinite energy for one turn. Note that though this cheat bestows infinite movement, weapons are still limited to the normal fires-per-turn limitations.

Miscellaneous battle cheats

Code Menu Description
Look into my eyes Edit pilot data Brings up a window which will allow you to edit all the statistics for all your Bioderms, whether they are currently in the battle or not. A very powerful tool, indeed.
Death to all who oppose us Crush all enemies Destroys all remaining enemy units.
Mine your own business Mine all ore Mines all the ore on the map if one of your Hercs has a mining device.
Hello World Fog of War: None, Little, Some, Most, Complete Activates a number of menu options which allow you to adjust the fog of war settings.


CSTORM.INI example with all codes

i'll buy that for a credit
for a few credits more
credits from heaven
i need more wheat
it's good to be the king
heal me
i don't like those
boto bombs anyone?
herc me some more
he who dies with the most toys
i am whole again
look into my eyes
i'm feeling much better
run like the wind
i'll be back
i cheat therefore i am
hollywood hercs
fly like an eagle
mine your own business
hello world
god emperor of m138
let me help you
now this might sting a bit
be very afraid
death to all who oppose us