STOQS is a geospatial database and web application designed to give oceanographers efficient integrated acccess to in situ measurement and ex situ sample data. See
First, install Vagrant and and VirtualBox
— there are standard installers for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Then create an empty folder off your
home directory such as Vagrants/stoqsvm
, open a command prompt window, cd to that folder, and enter these
curl "" -o Vagrantfile
curl "" -o
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
The vagrant up
command takes a few hours to provision and setup a complete CentOS 7
STOQS server that also includes all the data science tools bundled in packages such as
Anaconda. All connections to this virtual machine are
performed from the the directory you installed it in; you must cd to it (e.g. cd ~/Vagrants/stoqsvm
) before logging in with the vagrant ssh -- -X
command. After
installation finishes log into your new virtual machine and test it:
vagrant ssh -- -X # Wait for [vagrant@localhost ~]$ prompt
cd ~/dev/stoqsgit && source venv-stoqs/bin/activate
export DATABASE_URL=postgis://stoqsadm:CHANGEME@
In another terminal window start the development server (after a cd ~/Vagrants/stoqsvm
vagrant ssh -- -X # Wait for [vagrant@localhost ~]$ prompt
cd ~/dev/stoqsgit && source venv-stoqs/bin/activate
export DATABASE_URL=postgis://stoqsadm:CHANGEME@
stoqs/ runserver --settings=config.settings.local
Visit your server's STOQS User Interface using your host computer's browser:
More instructions are in the doc/instructions directory — see LOADING for how to load your own data and CONTRIBUTING for how to share your work. See example Jupyter Notebooks that demonstrate specific analyses and visualizations that cannot be accomplished in the STOQS User Interface. Visit the STOQS Wiki pages for updates and links to presentations. The stoqs-discuss list in Google Groups is also a good place to ask questions and engage in discussion with the STOQS user and developer communities.
Supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, STOQS undergoes continual development to help support the mission of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institue. If you have your own server you will occaisionally want to get new features with:
git pull
If you use STOQS for your research please cite this publication:
McCann, M.; Schramm, R.; Cline, D.; Michisaki, R.; Harvey, J.; Ryan, J., "Using STOQS (The spatial temporal oceanographic query system) to manage, visualize, and understand AUV, glider, and mooring data," in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2014 IEEE/OES, pp.1-10, 6-9 Oct. 2014 doi: 10.1109/AUV.2014.7054414