- Username: test
- Password: password
This project consists of an application for handling transactions. Users can create an account, create groups, and send transactions to other groups as a way of supporting the community. This is a capstone project called Group our transactions, which is part of the Microverse curriculum for the Ruby on Rails course.
You can clone the repo by running the next command in your command line:
git clone https://github.com/jucora/Doctor-Dev.git
Next, cd into the project's folder:
cd Doctor-Dev
Finally, run the command
rails start
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- RSpec
- Capybara
- FactoryBot
- Shoulda Matchers
- Create a new account
- Login
- Create transactions
- Create groups
- See transactions that belongs to a specific group
👨 Julian Belmonte
Please feel free to contribute, report any issue, feature request or provide any feedback. Click here
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