A simple web-based employee time clock application built with React.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/judahpaul16/employee-time-clock.git cd employee-time-clock
Install Dependencies
npm i
Start the Application (Development)
# serves application to port 3001 npm start
Build the Application (Production)
# builds application in the 'dist' folder npm run build
- Employees can navigate to their unique URL to clock in/out.
- Administrators can log in to the dashboard to view and manage time logs.
# Print the warning message
echo ""
echo "This script will reset the employee time clock database."
# Prompt the user for confirmation
read -p "Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n): " response
# Check if the response is 'y' or 'Y'
if [[ "$response" == "y" || "$response" == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Recloning..."
echo ""
echo "Operation canceled."
echo ""
exit 0
rm -rf 'employee-time-clock/'
git clone https://github.com/judahpaul16/employee-time-clock.git
cd employee-time-clock
npm i && npm rebuild bcrypt --build-from-source && npm run build && mkdir ./tmp && touch ./tmp/restart.txt