Originally designed as a parody of the Ahmed Mohamed clock, which was what a Texas scandal looked like way back in 2015, before the governor started shipping refugees to blue states in an effort to pwn the libs and women started dying in emergency rooms because doctors were terrified to extract dead foetuses that God insisted experience natural births.
Here's a picture of the legendary Ahmed Mohamed with his tiny wrists in a pair of handcuffs:
I made this clock soon after the Ahmed Mohamed incident to poke fun at the reaction of school officials to Ahmed's crude re-packaging of a commodity digital alarm clock. The clock I made (which I powered by batteries and took with me to Halloween parties, dressed in the NASA tee shirt Ahmed was arrested wearing) was in the exact same pencil case Ahmed had used, though all the electronics were custom, including the firmware, which is the substance of this repository. The clock, written in the Arduino IDE, could show time, hold ten alarms, show brief messages, and (because I was making fun of the hypersensitivity-to-terrorism aspect of Ahmed's arrest) also count down and make various troubling sounds, such as explosions, the Muslim call to prayer, and a brief passage of Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song." (I wonder if the YouTube video has recieved a copyright strike.)
The clock is still the main timepiece in my "laboratory" (my home office).
Videos of the clock:
Read about the incident that inspired this project: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Mohamed_clock_incident