I've spent a lot of time wandering around the internet. Lost. In 2022, I've decided to do better. I'm going to make effort to settle down and populate my Github account with useful content.
To manage a team of talented individuals, that will provide me with the opportunities to apply my skills, knowledge and expertise to create industry leading products.
I lead a small team of talented developers, writing software to simulate heavy equipment in the mining industry.
Thoroughtec Simulations | June 2019 - Present |
Team Lead | Continued to write simulation software using the company's proprietary 3D engine. In 2020 the company migrated to Unity 3D, which required the new frameworks for the LHDs and Rope Shovels, which my team oversaw. We help maintain existing production software by contributing to patches. My team has also helped maintain internal software tools and some of the company's build servers. Apart from software, I am responsible for mentoring junior, intermediate and senior developers, help with training and maintaining my team's build server. |
Thoroughtec Simulations | January 2018 - June 2019 |
Sofware Developer | Wrote software to simulate above ground vehicles such as drillrigs, rope shovels and ADTs using the company's proprietary 3D engine. Daily tasks were writing simulations in C++, contributing to patches for production software and mentoring junior developers. |
Promoted to Team Lead. |
humble Software | November 2016 - January 2018 |
Sofware Developer | As a software developer, was responsible for the maintenance and development of the company’s Point-of-Sales (POS) software on the iOS platform. Daily tasks include the implementation of new features, maintenance of existing code, migration and removal of legacy code as well as the creation and management of unit tests. Assisted with the maintenance and implementation of features on the web-based version of their POS software when required. |
Retrenched due to operational requirements. |
Adloc8tor | August 2015 – October 2016 |
Sofware Developer | Managed a team of three, two junior developers and a network technician, to implement web applications and e-Commerce solutions for clients. iOS development, using Swift, to write mobile applications that provide interactions with the company’s RevelDigital Digital Signage platform. Oversaw the creation of content for clients of the RevelDigital platform. C# development using Xamarin, to migrate the shared code library and front-end application to a common code base. |
Left to accept a developer role as company was closing. |
Always Active Technologies | August 2013 – July 2015 |
Junior Software Developer | Wrote custom reporting dashboards for clients using HTML5 technologies in C# and MSSQL. Planned and developed plugins for the companies Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) platform. Helped to run and maintain the software used to bill clients. Took over the development and maintenance of the company’s ICE+ iOS application. |
Left to accept a role with more responsibility at Adloc8tor. |
IT Dynamics | August 2011 – July 2013 |
Junior Software Developer | Junior web developer, and iOS developer for Imana Foods. Worked under a team leader and wrote the iOS clients that integrated with the company's ERP system so that staff could conduct stock counts, place and manage orders, book specials and view historical data and trends for the stores they visit. Migrated the applications to Titanium4J, a Java-based cross-platform solution that allowed the iOS and Android clients to share code. |
Left to further personal growth in order to achieve career goals at Always Active Technologies. |
- Unity 2020 By Example (Third Edition) by Robert Wells
- Unity 2021 Cookbook (Fourth Edition) by Matt Smith and Shaun Ferns
- Unity Certified Programmer: Exam Guide by Philip Walker
- 3D Math Primer For Graphics And Game Development (Second Edition) by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry
- A Great Place To Work For All by Michael Bush
- The Agile Enterprise by Mario Moreira
- Apprentiship Patterns by David Hoover and Adewale Oshineye
- The Art Of Readable Coe by Dustin Boswell and Trever Foucher
- Dynamic Reteaming (Second Edition) by Heidi Helfand
- UX Content Strategy by Aleksandar Vladimirov
- Running (walking awkwardly)
- Cycling
- Swimming
- Housework
- Unity Game Optimization (Third Edition) by Dr Davide Aversa and Chris Dickinson
- Game Development Patterns with Unity 2021 (Second Edition) by David Baron
- Hands-On Unity 2021 Game Development (Second Edition) by Nicolas Borromeo
- A Pebble For Your Thoughts by Megan Murphy
©2022 Graeme McIntosh. All rights reserved.