The best trading platform for you!
Ruby 3.0.2
NodeJS 14.17.1
Yarn 1.22.4
As a Trader, I want to create an account to buy and sell stocks
As a Trader, I want to log in my credentials so that I can access my account on the app
2 NEWS API's were used in this application:
1. From []
This API is free and no token is required.
How the API is called
- First, a folder within the app folder called api was created
- Inside the api folder, a new folder named Freenews was created
- 3 files were made inside the Freenews folder:
- request.rb
- client.rb
- errors.rb
- Inside the request.rb file,
require 'rest-client' and create Request method
- Inside the client.rb file, create method with two endpoints
- Go to rails console to see if data is called properly
- Create controller to have data appear in views
2. From []
This API provides instant access to global stock market and finance news including funds, crypto, and comprehensive sentiment analysis.
This API is free but has a limit of 100 uses per day. An API key is provided after signing up for an account to gain data access. For unlimited callbacks, the user can subscribe to a paid plan.
Elements required
- Endpoint
- Token
Using the API
- Create the necessary folders:
- Under the app folder, create a folder named api
- Under the api folder, create a folder with a name related to the API. In this case, a folder named News was created
- Create the necessary files:
- In the News folder, 3 files were created: *request.rb *client.rb *errors.rb
- Create the module and methods
In request.rb
require 'rest-client' module News class Request BASE_URL = '' TOKEN = 'K2GiBbcezEDuGk5FNtVYAgZovI3boGGQmXRs4KvM' def, endpoint:) result = RestClient::Request.execute( method: http_method, url: "#{BASE_URL}#{endpoint}&api_token=#{TOKEN}", headers: {'Content-Type'=> 'application/json'} ) JSON.parse(result) {code: result.code, status: 'Success', data:JSON.parse(result)} rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => error {code: error.http_code, status: error.message,} end end end
In client.rb: Here the endpoints are used to specify data wished to be called
module News class Client def response = 'get', endpoint:'/news/all?countries=global&filter_entities=true&limit=10&published_after=2022-01-10T15:46') end def response = 'get', endpoint:'/news/all?exchanges=NYSE&filter_entities=true&limit=10&published_after=2022-01-10T15:37') end end end
In errors.rb
module News class Errors def case code when 401 return 'Unauthorized request. Please try again.' when 404 return 'Invalid Request' else return 'Service Unavailable' end end end end
- Check rails console to test
- Create controller to render in views
- Under the controllers folder, create a folder named api with the controller file inside