Next Level Week Return offered by Rocketseat for the community. In this edition, in the Impulse track, a complete and accessible widget was developed that can be used across multiple projects to collect user feedback.
The backend of the application was built with NodeJS using the best practices of testing and with an amazing tool to deal with the database that is Prisma. On the frontend we used ReactJS and as a builder we used the tool Vite that handled all the bureaucratic part and allowed us to move forward in an surprising way. In the frontend we also used TailwindCSS which is a big help when it comes to styling and making our app look elegant in a quick and easy way.
The Mobile part was the best, built with React Native and Expo, the application allowed us, consuming the backend, to provide feedback through the cell phone with an using good formatting practices, layouts, color variables and fonts.
The impulse track classes were taught by Diego Fernandes and Rodrigo.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
You can view the project layout through the link below:
To get the project running on your machine make sure you have postgressql and have added it to the .env file of the backend application in the server folder. Also, don't forget to add the web and mobile folder to your backend's API address.
Without further ado, to get it started follow the steps below:
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ cd web
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.