StaticLint v3.1.0
Closed issues:
- Flag type piracy? (#50)
- better path interpretation in include statement (#68)
- Lint check for
in if conditional (#79) - StackOverflowError (#83)
- MethodError (#84)
- Incorrect linter warning (#88)
Merged pull requests:
- check for equality in if cond (#80) (@ZacLN)
- Miscfixes (#81) (@ZacLN)
- Fix get_path (#82) (@davidanthoff)
- misc fixes (#85) (@ZacLN)
- test type parameters in pirates check (#86) (@ZacLN)
- allow any method call for struct defs modified by macros (#87) (@ZacLN)
- Don't use a Set when not needed (#90) (@ZacLN)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#92) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add defined operators to scope names (#94) (@ZacLN)
- Documentation (#95) (@aminya)
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#96) (@github-actions[bot])
- Julia Package Butler Updates (#97) (@github-actions[bot])
- Small fix to method searching (#101) (@ZacLN)
- Don't run resolve_ref when not needed (#102) (@ZacLN)