View the Live Project Site: Earthquake Map
Earthquake Analysis: This project used Leaflet, d3.js, and Mapbox to create a map from USGS API data on earthquakes in the last 7 days, along with GeoJSON data from a tectonic plates repo.
Leaflet Step 1: This folder contains the first part of the project, where the earthquakes are mapped as circle markers, sized by their magnitude, and colored by their depth.
- static: css (styles.css), js (logic.js: JavaScript to generate the maps), images (folder containing screenshots of map)
- index.html: base html to hold the map
Leaflet Step 2: This folder contains the bonus part of the project, where Step 1 was enhanced by adding multiple base layer options and overlay options (where the user can choose to see the tectonic plates & earthquakes mapped together or individually).
- static: css (styles.css), js (logic.js: JavaScript to generate the maps), images (folder containing screenshots of map), data (GeoJSON_tectonic folder containing the GeoJSON data from the tectonic plates repo resource.
- index.html: base html to hold the map
Note: Data Source Credit for Tectonic Plates repo: Hugo Ahlenius, Nordpil and Peter Bird
To run, sign up for a mapbox API key here.