Web Scraping Homework: This assignment used Beautiful Soup, Splinter, and ChromeDriverManager to scrape text, images, and tables from various websites with Mars information. The scraped data was then rendered using Flask and PyMongo to store the information in a MongoDB database and to push it through an html template. View the screenshots of the final application in the Screenshots folder. By clicking the "Scrape for the Latest Mars Data" button, the user can discover the latest mars news from Red Planet Science, see a featured mars image from JPL, discover mars facts from Galaxy Facts, and view each of mars hemispheres from Mars Hemispheres.
mission-to-mars folder:
- static: styles.css (CSS for the format of the HTML file)
- templates: index.html (HTML template for main page)
- app.py: main app using Flask to render HTML
- mission_to_mars.ipynb: jupyter notebook with web-scraping code
- scrape_mars.py: python file with web-scraping code from the jupyter notebook
- Screenshots: folder with screenshots of the final application's webpage