When was the last time you really focused on studying? How can you manage to concentrate successfully and without distraction on the material to be learned for several hours? The answer to that is pomodoro. The pomodoro learning technique is the key to success. The principle is simple: After a 25-minute work phase, there is a 5-minute break. After that, the learning cycle starts all over again. After four such 25-5 cycles, there is a big one-hour break. The CLOC is a minimalistic pomodoro timer. Its aim is it to get students away from procrastination and towards efficient learning using a LED ring to display the pomodoro timer. Besides, it has multiple sensors which warns students if the air quality in their learning environment is getting too bad or it is too loud to study
More about the project: http://wp.uni-oldenburg.de/soft-skills-und-technische-kompetenz-wise20212022-projektgruppe-13/
A preview on the CLOC: https://youtu.be/PX8RilM4_LA