Learn something in an index card style with the help of telegram.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
bottoken = get it from the telegram botfather
# Message to be sent for /start
welcome = Welcome!
Here you can learn question catalogues.
# See https://github.com/RandomApfel/questioncataloguing
# for how to create and dump a catalogue
# command = patch.json:mediadir:description
# command = patch.json::description
Install the requirements
Create one or more catalogues and dump them to json text files Take a look at https://github.com/RandomApfel/questioncataloguing to learn how to do that.
Create a config entry within the
section. If you want to start the questioning with the Telegram command/vocabulary
and your catalogue dump is at./catalogues/vocabulary.json
then your entry should look like:
vocuabulary = ./catalogues/vocabulary.json::Get asked about vocabulary
It will now be shown when sending /help
in Telegram.