This collection of sketches is a port of Generative Gestaltung to GL Shader Language using p5.js for easy shader loading. Not all sketches are "perfect" copies due to the different nature of approaching concepts in GLSL and JS. The most important concepts are there, some might just look/feel a bit different. If you have a different approach to any of the sketches, by all means submit a PR <3.
GG is an incredible book on creative coding that makes it easy for anyone to get into drawing with computers. The tasteful and escalating sketches present very cool challenges that gear the programmer up with tools for experimenting with drawing dynamic shapes and colors on the screen. The first edition of the book uses Processing (Java) while the second edition and p5.js (Javascript).
Short for Graphics Library Shader Language, shaders are a tool for drawing using the GPU. Shaders are composed of a vertex shader (handling position), and a fragment shader (handling color). The Book of Shaders is the best introduction to GLSL concepts and has a great series of tutorials for a first dive. If you have never worked with shaders before, definitely start there.
P5.js is a solid library with an amazing community. There are all sorts of open source projects with the aim of introducing people to creative coding and digital visualization. This project was inspired by this p5 shader intro which draws from this set of examples.
From the root directory, cd into a sketch: cd P1001
Run the sketch with browser-sync: browser-sync start --server -f -w