This is a colors rating app implemented with a rating system which lets the user rate the colors manually or randomly.
Random rating will happen when you click the random rate button which will pick a color randomly, rate it with a value between 1 and 5 stars and after a random time defined between 500 and 1000ms it will proceed to rate another color. The rating will go on until the user click the stop rating button.
Download the project and cd into it:
git clone cd top-10-colors
Install dependencies and run the application:
yarn yarn dev
Open your browser and navigate to:
- React 16
- Redux
- Redux Dev Tools
- Hooks
- Emotion
- Webpack 4
- Babel 7
- Hot Module Replacement
- ESLint (airbnb styleguide)
- Prettier
- Husky
- lint-staged
- Jest
- Enzyme
- react-icons
Juliane Nagao - GitHub - LinkedIn
This project is licensed under the MIT License.