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[2025-01-15 Wed 09:43]

  • Daily uses Dotfiles - Doomemacs
  • Emacs 30.0.93


[2025-01-15 Wed 09:42]



Agzam Doom Emacs config and custom modules

git clone
# git submodule update --init --recursive

After 10 years of standard Emacs keybindings this was a big jump.

Enjoy and be patient if traveling the same waters.

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Wanderson Ferreira - Evil Doom

April 30, 2022

Doom Emacs + Evil mode. I’m enjoying a lot. After 10 years of standard Emacs keybindings this was a big jump. Enjoy and be patient if traveling the same waters.

Learn more about Doom and Evil

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Practicalli Doom Emacs Config

A personal configuration for Doom Emacs with a focus on creating a similar key binding and menu experience to that of Spacemacs, as Practicalli has used Spacemacs since 2015.

To Archive

Practicalli is not actively developing this configuration, although it should be useable with current versions of Doom Emacs and Emacs 28 onward as it is mostly key binding configuration.


Doom Emacs default key bindings have been changed significantly and further changes will be made as this project evolves. Therefore this configuration is probably not directly applicable for those already comfortable with the Doom Emacs maintainers workflow (although there are quite a few commonalities).

둠 이맥스의 기본 키 바인딩이 크게 변경되었으며 이 프로젝트가 발전함에 따라 추가 변경이 이루어질 예정입니다. 따라서 이 구성은 (몇 가지 공통점이 있긴 하지만) 이미 Doom Emacs 유지관리자 워크플로에 익숙한 사용자에게는 직접 적용되지 않을 수도 있습니다.

Notable key binding changes

+bindings.el contains all the additonal, remapped and delete Doom key bindings to provide a more mnemonic menu. Module specific configurations may also contain key bindings that override the Doom defaults.

The most noticalbe key bindings changed from the Doom Emacs defaults include:

, is set to local leader and SPC remains the leader key

SPC TAB jumps to previous buffer

SPC l TAB jumps to previously selected workspace (layout in Spacemacs terms)

SPC g s opens Magit status (rather than stage hunk at point)

fd alternative key binding to pressing ESC key

Org-mode [1/2]

  • [-] Pretty checkboxes [1/2]
    • [X] Added code from practicalli/spacemacs.d
    • [ ] Review why checkbox icons not being used
  • [ ] Review org-mode key bindings
    • [ ] , b d to add code blocks via babel demarcate


SPC t k to enable keycast-mode which shows key bindings and commands in the modeline as you type, exspecially useful for screencasts (or to learn what commands the key bindings are calling)


For Commit message buffer Doom key binding kept rather than use Spacemacs:

  • Z Z rather than , , to confirm the message and commit
  • Z Q rather than , k to cancel the message without commit


+clojure.el configuration overrides many CIDER variables defined in the clojure Doom module, as well as adding keybindings similar to the Spacemacs Clojure layer.



My private config for Doom Emacs






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