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Johannes Unglert edited this page Jan 31, 2020 · 3 revisions

Install this git-repo:

 git clone

Exec the script, you may have to change the permissions with

 chmod +x ./

After you changed the permissions exec the script:


You will notice, that the script is not executing, instead the script is showing its usage:

  Usage: 1. stresstest -s        
         2. "stresstest -h" for help page
         3. "stresstest" for usage

Starting the script:

  sudo ./stresstest -s

After that the shell should prompt 2 phrases:

Runtime in seconds:     Enter the amount of time, in seconds, that you want the script to run
Filename.csv:           Enter your filename with .csv at the end 
                        (the file is created in the source folder of the script)