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Document (Borderless, en)

Junho Baik edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 9 revisions

"Borderless" Documents (ENG)

"Borderless", Gatsby Blog Starter(Theme)

Static websites created with Gatsby,
Borderless Blog Theme.

This document is based on the distribution to Github Pages.

Borderless DEMO WebSite

  • Simple design with minimal color without border
  • Create Markdown Posts (Markdown + emoji, ktex)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Support Reader Mode in posts such as Safari browser
  • Google Analytics support
  • Google Adsense support
  • Disqus comment function


There are two ways to get started with this blog.

  1. Use after the Repository Fork
  2. Use after the Repository Clone

! Important

Don't work on master branch.

If you go through the steps above, the branch you're working on is develop.
Start working on this develop branch. You can modify the develop branch or create a branch separately from the develop branch.

The master branch is used for deployment, and the built file is located.
You can work on the develop branch and deploy it using the deploy command.
The deploy command automatically deploys to the master branch, which does not have direct access.

1. Use after the Repository Fork

  • After Fork the Repository,
  1. Setting > Option - Repository name
    Rename the Repository to ""
  2. Setting > Branches - Default branch
    Change the default branch. Select develop and press the Update button to proceed.
  3. clone your Repository.
  4. $ npm i install packages
  5. $ npm start Start local development environment Check URL "localhost:8000"

2. Use after the Repository Clone

$ git clone -b develop --single-branch [SITE_DIRECTORY]
$ npm install

This procedure clones the repository based on the develop branch.
Then install the required packages.

$ npm start

Start local development environment
Check URL "localhost:8000"

Basic Settings

Modify the default settings for you.

Modify ./_config.js

_config.js example

module.exports = {
  /** Site MetaData (Required all)*/
  title: `Dev.White`,
  description: `Junho Baik's Development Blog`,
  author: `Junho Baik`,
  language: `en`,
  siteUrl: '',

  /** Header */
  profileImageFileName: 'profile.png',

  /** Home > Bio information*/
  comment: 'Jr. Web Front-end Developer. / javascript, react ...',
  name: 'Junho Baik',
  company: '',
  location: 'Korea',
  email: '',
  website: '',
  linkedin: '',
  facebook: '',
  instagram: '',
  github: '',

  /** Post */
  enablePostOfContents: true,
  disqusShortname: 'junhobaik',
  enableSocialShare: true,

  /** Optional */
  googleAnalytics: 'UA-123123123-0',
  googleAdsenseClient: 'ca-pub-5001380215831339',
  googleAdsenseSlot: '5214956675',
설정 타입 설명
title (required) String Title of the site. Title text in the header. Enter the title of each webpage.
description (required) String Description of the site
author (required) String Author of the site
language (required) String Site default language. 'en' for English, 'en-US' is also possible by adding country code.
siteUrl (required) String Enter the address of your website. If the address is not present at deployment time, many errors can occur.
profileImageFileName String Locate your profile picture in the path ./src/images and enter the filename of the image. It enters the image next to the title of the header. If there is no input, it shows a random image.
comment, name, company, location, email, website String This is the personal information shown on the left side of the Home (index) page. If not entered, the item is not output and all values are entered as strings.
linkedin, facebook, instagram, github String These are the social icon links that will appear under Personal Information on the left side of the Home (index) page. Clicking on the icon will take you to that link. Please enter full link, not ID
enablePostOfContents (required) Boolean (true, false) Set whether the table of contents appears in the post.
disqusShortname String You can activate the comment function. After creating a site in disqus, enter the shortname of the site here. Emptying the value disables the comment feature.
enableSocialShare (required) Boolean (true, false) Set whether to display post social sharing icons at the bottom of the post.
googleAnalytics String You can activate Google Analytics. Enter your TrackingID.
googleSearchConsole String content value in HTML tag of google search console ownership verification, ex.'w-K42k14_I4ApiQKuVPbCRVV-GxlrqWxYoqO04KDbKo'
googleAdsenseClient String Client input of Google AdSense when activating GoogleAdsense. In addition, change the number corresponding to Client in ./static/ads.txt to the number of your client.
googleAdsenseSlot String Enter Google AdSense Slot when activating GoogleAdsense.

String (String) values are not required to be empty ''

Disqus Comments, Google Analytics, and Google Adsense features are disabled during local development. After deployment, you can use these features.

Writing posts

Posts are written in Markdown.

  • Markdown
  • emoji support
  • ktex support

Your post will be located in the ./_posts folder.
Your draft post will be located in the ./_drafts folder. (Draft posts are visible during local development, but not on the distributed web)
The _posts folder and the _drafts folder must exist. ** Do not delete both folders **

The title of the file becomes the address of the post post. If a date is entered, such as in Jekyll's post file title format, the date is excluded from the address.

ex 1. ./_posts/

  1. ./_posts/

Create post with image

When embedding an image inside the markdown, the structure is as follows

Example of creating a post that will have an address of /first-post After creating ./_posts/first-post folder,
Markdown files have the title,
Place image files in that folder.


Series Posts

When you write several posts on one subject as below, you can use the series function to indicate that the post is included in the series. With the series feature, you'll see a list of series posts at the top of the post.

-Create a blog, install -Create a blog, setting up -Create a blog, Distribution

If you write a post like this, write the file name as below.


The number after the underbar(_) is the number of the series.
The file name before the underbar(_) must be the same.
There must be only one underbar(_) in the file name.
Do not mix numbers and letters after the underbar(_).

Markdown YAML Front matter

At the top of a Markdown post, enter the information for that post. Enter the information in two --- s as shown below.

title: title here...
date: 2018-01-01
  - javascript
  - ES6
  - keyword1
  - keyword2

contents here...
Variable Description
title (required) Enter the title of the post. If special characters are included, enclose them in " ".
date (required) Enter the creation date of this post
tags (optional) Enter tag for post
keywords (optional) SEO meta keywords

+ All values are not enclosed in '', "".

data Examples

# date Examples

## Case 1
date: 2018-09-01

## Case 2
date: 2018-09-01 22:00:00

## 'Time zone' Not Support
## There is no error but ignores the time zone
date: 2018-09-01 20:00:00 +0900

tags & keywords Examples

# tags & keywords Examples

## Case 1
tags: onlyOneTag

## Case 2
tags: [tag1, tag2]

## Case 3
  - tag1
  - tag2


Checklist before deploying

  1. Make sure your Github repository is named
  2. Make sure you have written siteUrl correctly in ./_config.js.
  3. Make sure the branch you are working with is not the master branch. (Please refer to the Install section for the relevant instructions)
$ npm run deploy

The deployment starts with the above command. The commit is automatically made to the master branch. It takes several tens of seconds, sometimes up to a few minutes, to be reflected.

You can now enter and verify your address.