depends on:
- bash
- openssl
- python
- acme-tiny []
small set of utilities to check certificate expiration and, if necesary, request a new certificate
expects certain conventions as set forth in the comments
- create a service/system account:
export service_username='certfetcher'
useradd --system --user-group --shell /bin/bash --create-home --home "/var/lib/${service_username}" --comment 'pki certificate fetcher' "${service_username}"
unset service_username
- make the necessary sudo adjustments to allow the service acount to reload/restart the appropriate services
follow the process/steps outlined in initial_setup/initial_setup-root for environment prep as root
follow the process/steps outlined in initial_setup/initial_setup-service_user for environment prep as the service user
for creation/request of the initial certificate, use gen_csr and req_cert
for sample web server config, see initial_setup/example_config-httpd.
for sample crontab entry, see initial_setup/sample_crontab. this should be placed in the service user's crontab. not root.