Download manga from mangadex (or other manga websites) to read offline
Manga Downloader/
is designed to download manga from generic manga websites
it takes 2-3 arguments
- url of the website
- name of the manga (this argument only changes where the manga is saved)
- do not reverse (optional, default behaviour is reverse) - whether to reverse the chapters after scraping them from the given url (changes how the chapters are indexed)
can also be edited to change the base location, timeout and timeout when met with an error
It was only tested on one two websites but the implementation is purposefully generic so there is a decent chance that it will work on most websites
It scrapes the initial url for a chapter list (takes hrefs from the unindexed list with the most hrefs)
Then it scrapes the given urls by downloading all images from a div with the most images with srcs (src must start with 'http') of the same domain
The way it stores these images makes it compatible with the reader inside Reader
Not tested if this still works as Mangadex likes to change their API
The script
takes 3 positional command line arguments:
- the id of the manga you want to download from the url (eg. for
it would bea77742b1-befd-49a4-bff5-1ad4e6b0ef7b
- creates a new directory inside the root folder where it will save the chapterschapter_range
- both sides inclusive range that specifies what chapters to save and looks like one of these:a-b
Inside .env
you can change the following arguments:
- the root folder where all manga will be savedlangs
- acceptable translation languages seperated by commastimeout
- how much to wait in between requests, if it's less than0.2
you might get ip banned
It's also worth noting that a chapter will always be redownloaded if it's inside the specified range
You shouldn't. The design is ugly and primitive and the code is horrible but if you don't have any other reader run src/
with the following command line arguments
- the name of the manga you specified while downloadingchapter
(optional) - which chapter to open
This will create and open an html file where you can navigate between pages and chapters with the arrow keys.
You would also need to change the hardcoded directories inside src/
You can also set up an alias like this alias manga='crystal run --release "/SOME/DIRECTORY/src/" --'