LESS-Recursive-Compiler is a node module that programatically compiles all of the LESS or CSS files in a specified directory and places them all in another specified directory with the same strucutre as the source direcotry.
- bug fixes and dependency updates
- now using less directly instead of recess
- got rid of "toLowerCase()" calls since directories and files in *nix systems are case sensitive.
- ignoreFile list items are now in the form of glob patterns
- Fixed ignore file/dir bug that would have erroneously ignored the wrong files in certain situations
- Improving the buggy ignore file/dir functionality
- added functionality to exclude some directories and files in the lessDirPath directory.
LESS-Recursive-Compiler uses the following npm modules
- globby - Used for matching files
- LESS - CSS pre-processor
- mkdirp - Recursively mkdir, like
mkdir -p
for node.js - string - nice string utility
- lodash - A JavaScript utility library delivering consistency, modularity, performance, & extras.
npm install LESS-Recursive-Compiler
require('less-recursive-compiler').compile(lessDirPath, compiledDirPath, [options])
The options are very the same as the LESS programatic api options.
Available options and their defaults:
- compress - false
- noIDs - true
- noJSPrefix - true
- noOverqualifying - true
- noUnderscores - true
- noUniversalSelectors - true
- strictPropertyOrder - true
- zeroUnits - true
- ignoreList - []
Free Software, Hell Yeah!