A Discord bot that provides various casino-related features, such as slot machines, betting, and user management.
Slot Machine: Users can play a slot machine game with different payouts and winning chances. Betting: Users can place bets on their slot machine games, increasing their chances of winning. User Management: The bot keeps track of user balances, daily rewards, and achievements. Leaderboard: Users can view a leaderboard to see their rankings based on their balances and achievements. Achievements: Users can earn achievements by participating in the casino and completing various tasks. Customizable Configuration: Server administrators can customize various aspects of the bot, such as daily rewards, maximum transactions, and slot machine payouts.
- Install Python 3.9 or higher.
- Create a new Discord bot and obtain its token.
- Clone this repository.
- Install the required dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Create a new file named config.py and add your Discord bot token and other necessary configurations.
- Run the bot by executing python bot.py.
Once the bot is running, you can interact with it using commands in Discord. Here are some example commands:
Command | Description |
/play: | Play a slot machine game with a default bet of 100$. |
/poker: | Poker Game with multiple players (beta) |
/balance: | View your current balance. |
/leaderboard: | View the top 7 users by balance and achievements. |
/info: | View your user information. |
/daily: | Claim your daily reward. |
/luckywheel: | Claim your lucky wheel reward. |
/prestige: | Reset your progress to achieve Prestige |
/achievements: | View all possible achievements. |
/send : | Send money to another user. |
/dashboard: | Navigate to ther server dashboard |
/my-dashboard: | Navigate to your personal dashboard |
/add_balance : | Add balance to a user (administrator only). |
/subtract_balance : | Subtract balance from a user (administrator only). |
/download_log: | Download the current log file (administrator only). |
/download_serverdata: | Download the current serverdata file (administrator only). |
/list_servers: | Lets you select a server to list the data (administrator only). |
/edit_config: | Edit server configuration (administrator only). |
/ban_player: | Ban a player from the playing (ADMIN). |
You can customize various aspects of the bot by modifying the config.py file. Here are some configuration options:
- TOKEN: Your Discord bot token.
- IMAGES: The URL of the directory containing the images used in the bot
- MAX_BET: The maximum amount a user can bet on a slot machine game.
- DAILY_REWARD: The amount of money awarded to users for claiming their daily reward.
- MAX_TRANSACTIONS: The maximum amount of money a user can send or receive in a single transaction.
- SLOT_MACHINE_PAYOUTS: The payouts for each slot machine reel combination.
- ACHIEVEMENTS: The list of achievements that users can earn.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This bot was inspired by various casino-related Discord bots and tutorials found online.