Timer Library to work with Arduino DUE
To call a function handler
every 1000
Timer3.attachInterrupt(handler).start(1000); // or: Timer3.attachInterrupt(handler).setPeriod(1000).start(); // or, to select witchever avaliable timer: Timer.getAvailable().attachInterrupt(handler).start(1000);
To call a function handler
times a second:
In case you need to stop a timer, just do like this:
And to continue running:
There are 9
Timer objects already instantied for you:
, Timer1
, Timer2
, Timer3
, Timer4
, Timer5
, Timer6
, Timer7
and Timer8
- Prefer to use
since they have no connection to hardware pins.
Timer4.attatchInterrupt(handler).setFrequency(10).start(); // Is the same as: Timer4.attatchInterrupt(handler); Timer4.setFrequency(10); Timer4.start();
// To create a custom timer, refer to: DueTimer myTimer = DueTimer(0); // Creates a Timer 0 object. DueTimer myTimer = DueTimer(3); // Creates a Timer 3 object. DueTimer myTimer = DueTimer(t); // Creates a Timer t object. // Note: Maximum t allowed is 8, as there is only 9 timers [0..8];
Timer1.setHandler(handler1).start(10); Timer1.setHandler(handler2).start(10); DueTimer myTimer = DueTimer(1); myTimer.setHandler(handler3).start(20); // Will run only handle3, on Timer 1 (You are just overriding the callback)
Timer.getAvailable().attachInterrupt(callback1).start(10); // Start timer on first avaliable timer DueTimer::getAvailable().attachInterrupt(callback2).start(10); // Start timer on seccond avaliable timer // And so on...
- Get the first avaliable Timer.
attachInterrupt(void (*isr)())
- Attach a interrupt (callback function) for the timer of the object.
- Detach current callback of timer.
start(long microseconds = -1)
- Start the timer with an optional period parameter.
- Stop the timer
setFrequency(long frequency)
- Set the timer frequency
long getFrequency()
- Get the timer frequency
setPeriod(long microseconds)
- Set the timer period (in microseconds)
long getPeriod()
- Get the timer period (in microseconds)
int timer
- Stores the object timer id (to acces Timers struct array).
DueTimer(int _timer)
- Instantiate a new DueTimer object for Timer _timer (NOTE: All objects are already instantied!).
static const Timer Timers[]
- Stores all timers information
static void (*callbacks[])()
- Stores all callbacks for all timers
1.2 (2013-30-03): Clock selection. Getters. getAvailable(). "AvaliableTimer" Example.
1.1 (2013-30-03): Added Timer6, Timer7, Timer8 (TC2).
1.0 (2013-30-03): Original release.