A place to log my progress in learning new programming-related skills.
A more detailed log of my daily progress can be found in the "TIL" doc: https://github.com/jvaz11/learning-log/blob/main/TIL.md
- The Road to Hello World
- Passing Data to Components
- Rendering Lists
- Managing State
- Functional Components
- Validating Props with PropTypes
- The Component Lifecycle
- Handling Form State
- Composition with children
- Building Reusable Components
- Code Sharing
- Bypassing Props with Context
- React Router v4
- Better Classes with Class Fields
- Performance Gains with Code Splitting
- Production Builds with Hosting
- TODO: add sections here
- TODO: add sections here
- TODO: add sections here
- TODO: add sections here
- Eloquent JavaScript (chapters on JavaScript and the Browser)
- Official React Documentation
- Retry Github assignment from frontend engineer take-home interview project (https://github.com/zapier-interviews/interview-jvaz11-21769acfd4ef45d9aed27cec256c546b/blob/project/PROJECT_SPEC.md)