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A Node.js application that consumes messages published on Redis channels and send them as Push Notifications via APNS or GCM.


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A Node.js application that consumes messages published on Redis channels and send them as Push Notifications via APNS or GCM.

  1. Workflow

    a) Events: Sit and listen for messages published on the Redis subscribed channel(s).

    b) Processing: Convert each published message to the APNS or GCM message format and dispatch them to the APNS or GCM server.

    c) Feedback: Periodically connect to the APNS Feedback server, and receive a list of devices that have persistent delivery failures so that you can mark them as bad and refrain from sending new push notifications to them.

  2. Sharding

    You can split the workload across multiple redis-pusher instances. To do that, configure config.redis.channels in your configuration file so that each redis-pusher instance subscribes to different channel(s).

  3. Failover redundancy

    You may have multipe instances subscribed to the same channel(s) simultaneously. To do that, all your instances sharing the same channel(s) must specify the same value for config.redis.lock.keyPrefix and set config.redis.failoverEnabled to true.

  4. Configuration

    Each configuration file may be considered an environment (e.g.: development, production, etc). A new configuration file can extend an existing configuration by adding these lines before anything else:

     var config = module.exports = require('./another_existing_file')
     var this_config_name = 'example';

    To switch between environments (configurations), specify NODE_ENV=<env_name> when running redis-pusher. Example:

     NODE_ENV=production node .

    The example above will load ./private/config.production.js.

  5. What redis-pusher does not attempt to do

    It does not process any of the APNS feedback messages. It also does not handle GCM replies that tell you the device is not (or no longer) registered. This is something specific to your scenario. For example, your scenario might involve an SQL table containing all registered devices (id, device_token, etc), so you could mark them as bad, or simply delete them. It's entirely up to you!

How can I test it?

Install the required tools
  1. Node.js
  2. Redis
Clone the repository
$ git clone
Install the dependencies
$ cd redis-pusher
$ npm install
Test locally

a) Copy your APNS certificates and keys to the private directory that resides within the project's directory:

$ cp -i /path/to/your/apns_development.p12 \
	/path/to/your/apns_production.p12 \

b) Copy the example configuration files to the project's private directory:

$ cp -ir examples/config/* private/

c) Make sure nobody else can read the contents of your private directory:

$ chmod 700 private

d) Edit your private configuration files according to your needs:          -- The host your Redis instance is running.
config.redis.port          -- The port your Redis instance is listening.
config.redis.pass          -- The password to your Redis instance.
                              Please, set to '' if you don't need it.
config.redis.channels      -- Which redis channels `redis-pusher` will listen to.
                              IMPORTANT: The current version of `redis-pusher` can only distinguish
                              APNS messages from GCM messages using the channel name. Channel names
                              for APNS must contain one of ['apns','ios','iphone','ipad'], and
                              channel names for GCM must contain one of ['gcm','android'].
                              "ABSURD!" you scream. Right! I just haven't had the time to come up
                              with a clean solution.

config.apns.certificate    -- The APNS certificate file in .p12 (PKCS #12) format.
config.apns.passphrase     -- The passphrase for your APNS certificate file.
                              Please, set to `undefined` if you don't need it.

config.gcm.options.key     -- Your GCM API key.
Run it
$ NODE_ENV=development node . &
$ redis-cli
redis> publish development:push:ios '{ "identifier": "a-unique-identifier", "tokens": [ <device_token>, <anoter_device_token>, ... ], "expires": 300, "badge": 1, "sound": "default", "alert": "You have a new message" }'
redis> publish development:push:android '{ "identifier": "another-unique-identifier", "registrationId": [ [ <registration_id>, <another_registration_id>, ... ], "collapseKey": "status", "delayWhileIdle": false, "timeToLive": 300, "data": {  "key1": "foo", "key2": "bar" } }'
Message format for iOS
message {
	identifier: [string]               -- Required. Unique identifier.
	token: [string or array of string] -- Required. The APNS device token of a recipient device, or
	                                      an array of them for sending to 1 or more (up to ???).
	expires: [number]                  -- Seconds from now.
	badge: [number]
	sound: [string]
	alert: [string]
	payload: [object]
	retryLimit: [number]               -- Optional. The maximum number of retries if an error occurs
	                                      when sending a notification. A value of 0 will attempt
	                                      sending only once (0 retries).
Message format for Android
message {
	identifier: [string]                        -- Required. Unique identifier.
	registrationId: [string or array of string] -- Required. The GCM registration ID of a recipient
	                                               device, or an array of them for sending to 1 or
	                                               more devices (up to 1000). When you send a message
	                                               to multiple registration IDs, that is called a
	                                               multicast message.
	collapseKey: [string]                       -- Optional. If there's an older message with the
	                                               same collapseKey and registration ID, the older
	                                               message will be discarded and the new one will
	                                               take its place.
	delayWhileIdle: [boolean]                   -- Optional. Default is false. If the device is
	                                               connected but idle, the message will still be
	                                               delivered right away unless the delay_while_idle
	                                               flag is set to true. Otherwise, it will be stored
	                                               in the GCM servers until the device is awake.
	timeToLive: [number:0..2419200]             -- Optional. How long (in seconds) the message should
	                                               be kept on GCM storage if the device is offline.
	                                               Requests that don't contain this field default to
	                                               the maximum period of 4 weeks. When a message
	                                               times out, it will be discarded from the GCM
	data: [object]                              -- Optional. Custom data.


A Node.js application that consumes messages published on Redis channels and send them as Push Notifications via APNS or GCM.








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