Jacques Woodcock - jacques@kitewebconsulting.com
This is an application written to provide URL shortening from outside applications through a semi-RESTful interface.
This is a multi-client, multi-user URL Shortener that is not 100% functional around these goals. Though the foundation to support multiple clients using client specific logins per single user is there, work needs to be done to complete this functionality.
This URL shortener was created as a method to exercise some concepts on REST, Sharding and single application controlers. It was done early in my understanding of REST and thusly, has a number of REST flaws, which is obvious through the resource URI structure listed below.
Since it was coded, I've started doing OOP, using design patterns and other advanced techniques so the code needs to be refactored.
I am interested in all advice around refacting this, pointing out of potential programic issues and other advice.
In the DB folder is the structure of the database that supports this application. Import the SQL into your database then create a database connection file and save as a file. Once created, import that file into the main processor.php script on line 17.
There are two variables you need to define at the top of the processor.php script, $ips and $shortenerURL.
are IP Address that are are allowed to query the REST services.
is the address of your shortener so the application know to only process redirects from this source.
There are 3 action URIs to this application.
Shorten URL Redict http://yourshorturl.co/shorthash This takes a provided shortened URL, looks up the long URL, grabs some stats from the visitor and stores them in the database, then redirects the visitor.
Shorten URL POST to http://yourshorturl.co Requires POST variables
- url to be shortenedcl
- client id This takes a provided URL and client id, shortens the URL and associates it with the client record then returns the shortened URL as XML or JSON -
REST Calls The REST calls are accessed through querying the /api/ uri
The calls are
Returns all the latest URLs that have been shortened
Not built out as of yet
Returns the hits of a particular URL
Returns hits associated with a cookie query
Returns hits associated wit an ipaddress
Returns hits matching a date or date range
Returns hits matching a provided bote, or user agent
Status resource, can accept POST or GET variables and returns them to show service is up and working
Resource to authenticate client and user
Authentication is done by defining a api credentials per client within the api_logi table and associating it to a client within the cl_client table.
REST service checks against the api_logi table whereas admin users, or customers, should be checked against the cl_auth table.
REST authentication passwords are salted with a secret phrase which is stored in the cl_client table, sk column.