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Projectify is a free software project management software that anyone can use, inspect, customize and distribute according to their needs.

Official instance:

This repository contains both frontend and backend code.

The frontend uses SvelteKit to run. The backend is implemented in Django.


See frontend/ subfolder and refer to on how to get started running the Projectify frontend.

Originally merged from projectify-frontend repository main branch served on GitHub using

git subtree add -P frontend main


See backend/ subfolder and refer to on how to get started running and developing the backend code


Projectify relies on Nix for various build and run tasks, such as Docker builds or providing a runtime environment for supervisor.

Getting started with Nix might be challenging, but will be worth it. If you have Nix, Nix flakes (experimental commands), nix-direnv set up, you can get started with running

# Of course, please audit the .envrc file first, before you run the
# following:
direnv allow


Both frontend and backend code are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 or later. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file contained in this repository.

See AUTHORS.txt file for the list of contributors.

Projectify is a registered trademark by JWP Consulting GK.