Some classes, packages, and macros for LaTeX documents
I got tired of having the same preamble for large swaths of documents, so I cobbled together the packages which were common to certain kinds of documents, and the macros used by said documents, and tried to organize these in a somewhat sane fashion. Whether I have succeeded is another story.
Installation is done manually as per your LaTeX configuration. Copy any .cls or .sty files produced by running LaTeX on the .dtx files to your local tex package folder, likely ~/texmf/tex/latex/
# To get the .pdf documentation, .ins file and .cls/.sty
# files all in one shot, run pdflatex on the .dtx file(s)
git clone
cd capiar/sty
pdflatex *.dtx
cd ../cls
pdflatex *.dtx
# Then copy as needed
cd ..
cp cls/*.cls ~/texmf/tex/latex/base/
mkdir ~/texmf/tex/latex/capiar
cp sty/*.sty ~/texmf/tex/latex/capiar/
# Probably need to update the index
Conversion to literate-style programming in .dtx format is currently complete for user-facing macro packages, and is underway for internal macro packages and user-facing classes.
Capiar provides the following LaTeX classes:
- cls/assignment.cls
- cls/coverletter.cls
- cls/dictionarium.cls
- cls/reference.cls
- cls/resume.cls
Capiar provides the following LaTeX packages:
- sty/ceystroke.dtx (Keystroke-imitating "font")
- sty/coverletter.dtx (Useful commands for cover letters)
- sty/dictionarium.dtx (Tables for declining/conjugating)
- sty/inscription.dtx (Formats text like inscriptions)
- sty/resume.dtx (Tables and commands for resumes)
Also included are some Capiar-specific packages, for which limited documentation is provided:
- sty/capiar_preamble.dtx
- sty/capiar_font.dtx
- sty/capiar_colour.dtx
When writing your preamble, use one of the above classes and/or one or more packages.
% ...
Included in the examples/
folder are some illustrative documents highlighting some use
cases. The examples currently present are
- examples/assignment/ass14.tex (A school-type assignment)
- examples/cheat/linux_cheat.tex (A rudimentary linux cheat-sheet)
- examples/cheat/vim_cheat.tex (A non-exhaustive vim cheat-sheet)
- examples/coverletter/coverletter.tex (A cover letter)
- examples/resume/resume.tex (A technical resume)
The assignment example is part of a larger project that comprises an answer key for a Latin language course; expect the example to become a project in its own right some day.
Furthermore, the following standalone projects leverage classes and packages from Capiar:
- Dictionarium Gallovidii Linguae Latinae, a Latin-English dictionary
Macros are (poorly) documented in the resource files in which they appear. The examples may be a better way to illustrate their usage.
In the future, the following will be added:
- Better documentation
- More use cases: mind maps (simplifying TikZ), keyboard diagrams
- More examples: formula sheet, correspondence letter
Smaller tasks in the short-term
- Item group unbreakability macro
- Devblog
Potential new branches
- Mind maps
- Keyboard diagrams (for alternate layouts and the like)
- Japanese conjugation charts
- Greek conjugation and declension charts
- Class option for specifying dictionary language