To guide group members having a better sense about the project layout, here we briefly introduce the specific purposes of the dir system. The layout of dirs is based on the idea borrowed from ProjectTemplate.
The guideline for the collaborative workflow.
Check out progress and things to-do and throw ideas via the wiki page.
git clone git@github.com:jyanglab/seedbarcode.git
Make sure to get the above dependencies installed first and export them in your $PATH. And then cd to the directory that you just cloned.
chmod +x seedbarcode.py
seedbarcode.py -h
Note: will print all the columns in the csv file:
seedbarcode.py -i input_test.csv -t avery-5167 -f 12 -o output.ps
Note: will only print the first column of the csv file:
seedbarcode.py -i input_test.csv -t avery-5167 -f 12 -o output.ps
This is an ongoing research project. It was intended for internal lab usage. It has not been extensively tested. Use at your own risk. It is a free and open source software, licensed under GPLv3.