Arduino-like peripheral drivers for the ATtiny817 Xplained Mini boards. Goal is to be functionally equivalent to the Arduino.h HAL.
- For UART to work, DTR must be enabled (when using the mEDBG programmer's USB2UART converter)
- For some utilities to work (for example, the millis() function), you need to call
at the start of the program!
When doing pin-planning with the Xplained Mini board, the following things should be considered:
- PA0 is used for the reset pin and is NOT CONNECTED by default
- PC5 is used for the USER BUTTON and thus it has a 100k pull-up resistor attached to it and is NOT CONNECTED to the pinheader row by default (a gap has to be bridged for it to work)
- PC0 has the USR LED connected to it and thus might not output as much power as needed
- PB2 and PB3 are UART pins which are connected to the ATmega32u4 through 1k resistors
GPIO basics
- digitalWrite()
- digitalToggle()
- digitalRead()
- pinMode()
Misc. functions
- delay()
- map()
- millis()
- begin()
- available()
- read()
- write()
- print()
- println()
- begin()
- beginTransaction()
- transfer()
- transfer16() [not tested]
- endTransaction()
- setBitOrder()
- end()
- Misc. functions
- delayMicroseconds()
- micros()
- Math
- constrain()
- max()
- min()
- pow()
- sq()
- sqrt()
- Analog
- analogRead()
- analogReference()
- analogWrite()
- Serial
- availableForWrite()
- end()
- find()
- findUntil()
- flush()
- parseFloat()
- parseInt()
- peek()
- readBytes()
- readBytesUntil()
- setTimeout()
- serialEvent()
- I2C
- begin()
- end()
- beginTransaction()
- endTransaction()
- setBitOrder()
- setClockDivider()
- setDataMode()
- transfer()
- usingInterrupt()