I am a passionate Computer Science Engineering student with a keen interest in exploring new technologies. I thrive on challenges and enjoy working on full-stack development projects. My goal is to leverage my skills to create innovative and impactful solutions. To know more about me click here
- Languages: JavaScript, Python, Java , C , C#
- Frontend: React, Nextjs ,Astro
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Tools: Git, Docker
- Others: RESTful APIs, prisma
I am currently exploring cloud technologies and cybersecurity. I love to keep myself updated with the latest trends and advancements in the tech world.
- LinkedIn: jzf21
- Portfolio: Portfolio
- Email: jozefneelamkavil2003@gmail.com
Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on a project, discuss the latest tech trends, or simply have a chat! 😊