- Create a dir to work in
$ mkdir -p charts/argo-cd
Make the Chart in
Override the chart values with
Make the Chart lock and the tgz necessary for the bootstrap installation
$ helm repo add argo-cd https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm
$ helm dep update charts/argo-cd/
- Exclude that from repo
$ echo "charts/**/charts" >> .gitignore
- Create a namespace for argocd
$ kubectl create ns myargo
- Bootstrap: First installation manual
$ helm install argo-cd charts/argo-cd/ -n argocd
- Port-forward to access the web ui This is just for demos. In a real env, hook it to an ALB, give it SSL/TLS termination, and set DNS for it
$ kubectl port-forward svc/argo-cd-argocd-server 8080:443 -n argocd
- Username is admin. Get password:
$ kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
- Now we prepare the root-app
$ mkdir -p charts/root-app/templates
$ touch charts/root-app/values.yaml
We make the chart:
We make the app manifest for our root app in
The first time we manually apply the manifest. Later it will be automatic
$ helm template charts/root-app/ | kubectl apply -f -
In the Web ui we verify that the root-app was created
We make a manifest for argocd so that it can manage itself:
In the web ui we verify that argocd now appears as an app
- Now we can add all the apps we want to
- The apps in the screenshot above are from: https://github.com/k-candidate/hello-k8s and https://github.com/k-candidate/hello-prod
- Project templates to group apps depending on teams, repos, destinations (cluster/ns), object restriction, roles (rbac).
- Use a policy engine like OPA Gatekeeper (does not allow resource mutation) or Kyverno (does allow for mutation, but still incubating)
- Add KEDA for Autoscaling.
- Add KEDA HTTP Add-on.
- Add Prometheus.
- Add Grafana.
- Add OpenCost.
- Migrate to a cluster instead of Minikube as I already hit the ceiling (of default minikube) after adding KEDA, and Prometheus.
- Use HA for argocd. Requires 3 nodes.