Based on the two datasets i.e, Till Activity and Front End Efficiency
AI/ML approaches to cluster consumers based on the given dataPropose any approach to collect consumer satisfaction data and use it to classify tasks and roles within each store
Are there any other possible measures to evaluate clients with respect to efficiency, roles, and activities?
Please include the answer to the following test questions in your presentation: Q1: For each client (or store):
Q1.1: estimate (a) time spent,
(b) infectiveness time i.e. time with no value added (NVA),
(c) pace (i.e. rate of task), and
(d) efficiency for each task
Q1.2: estimate the activity time, i.e., how long does a process/activity take?
Q1.3: estimate the time spent on each category
Q2: As in Q1 but considering all the clients together
Q3: Propose some solutions to reduce NVA and improve the efficiency of clients