These a bunch of components made for Java Swing to beautify user interfaces and give UI’s a modern look. They include :
- KButton
- KKGradientPanel
- Frame Resize and Move Utility
How to install KControl(s)
- Download jar file
- Open Netbeans Create your Swing application, head to Palette right click and select Palette Manager select Add from Jar and browse to the location of the downloaded jar file.
- Select and proceed, select KControls [KButton, KGradientPanel.. ] components proceed to select the category and hit Finish.
- Open your JFrame drag KGradientPanel/KButton to it and set the properties in the properties window.
Using Maven
Add your components to your code as described here
Note: Custom properties starts with K eg KStartColor
KButton is an extended version of JButton – it has basically everything else a JButton has, that said we will look only the custom properties.
Custom Properties
- kAllowGradient(Boolean) Enables or disables gradient property of the button.
- kBackgroundColor(Color) Gets or sets the background color of the button.
- kBorderRadius(int) Gets or sets the radius of a button (recommended 0 to 30).
- kEndColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient end color to the right.
- kFillButton(boolean) Allows the button to be filled or not with color/gradient
- kForeGround(Color) Gets or sets the component’s label.
- kHoverColor(Color) Gets or sets the color of the control when a mouse is hovered over it.
- kHoverEndColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient end color when it receives a mouse hover event.
- kHoverForeGround(Color) Gets or sets the button’s label color when it receives a mouse hover event.
- kHoverStartColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient start color when it receives a mouse hover event.
- kPressedColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s color when it receives a mouse click event.
- kStartcolor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient end color to the left.
- kAllowTab(boolean) Gets or sets the button’s tab property by making kButtons have a tab–like feature.
- kIndicatorColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s indicator color.
- kIndicatorThickness(int) Gets or sets the button’s indicator thickness.
(Properties to watch out for quicker UI designing)
- kHoverColor(Color)
- kHoverEndColor(Color)
- kHoverForeGround(Color)
- kHoverStartColor(Color
- kAllowGradient(Boolean)
- kBackgroundColor(Color)
- kAllowTab(Boolean)
- kBorderRadius(int)
- kEndColor(Color)
- kFillButton(boolean)
- kForeGround(Color)
- kStartColor(Color)
- kPressedColor(Color)
This is an extended version of JPanel with awesome gradient effect.
Custom properties
- kEndColor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient end color to the right.
- kGradientFocus(int) Gets or sets the location to which the gradient should focus (accepts negative value)
- kStartcolor(Color) Gets or sets the button’s gradient end color to the left.
- kBorderRadius(int) Gets or sets the radius of a KGradientPanel(recommended 0 to 30).
What resize and move utility does is, it allows you to drag or resize your undecorated JFrame. So here is how to use it.
private static void resizeMoveFrame(JFrame frame) {
//Resize and move
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
//Drag around your frame using below
ComponentMoverUtil.moveFrame(frame, false, frame.getComponents());
// Use below if you want to resize your frame
ComponentResizerUtil cr = new ComponentResizerUtil();
frame.getRootPane().setBorder(new LineBorder(Color.gray));
cr.setSnapSize(new Dimension(5, 5));
cr.setDragInsets(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
//always register frame to resize
Download Jar Here Thank you.