Follow along below to get the setup working on your cluster.
- Ensure that you have the hasura cli tool installed on your system.
$ hasura version
Once you have installed the hasura cli tool, login to your Hasura account
$ # Login if you haven't already
$ hasura login
- Ensure that you have kubectl installed on your system.
$ kubectl version
- You should also have git installed.
$ git --version
$ # Run the quickstart command to get the project
$ hasura quickstart hasura/hdfs
Note the name of the cluster printed in the output.
$ # Navigate into the Project
$ cd hdfs
Deployment is a 3-step process.
Step-1: Deploy Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims (
$ # Ensure that you are in the hdfs directory
$ cd custom_k8s/pv
$ kubectl create -f k8s.yaml --context=<cluster_name>
Step-2: Deploy Namenode
$ # Ensure that you are in the hdfs directory
$ cd custom_k8s/namenode
$ kubectl create -f k8s.yaml --context=<cluster_name>
Step-3: Deploy Datanodes
$ # Ensure that you are in the hdfs directory
$ cd custom_k8s/datanode
$ kubectl create -f k8s.yaml --context=<cluster_name>
Optional Step: Deploy Namenode web UI
To get a HTTPS endpoint to view your Namenode web UI. Append the following snippet to your routes.yaml
corsPolicy: allow_all
name: namenode
namespace: '{{ cluster.metadata.namespaces.user }}'
upstreamServicePath: /
upstreamServicePort: 80
The upstream service namenode
was already deployed as part of Step-2 above.
$ # Ensure that you are in the hdfs directory
$ cd conf
$ # Add above snippet to the end of routes.yaml
$ vim routes.yaml
$ # Commit changes and push
$ git add . && git commit -m "add namenode ui route"
$ git push hasura master
Goto namenode.<cluster_name>
to access the Namenode web UI.
Exec into namenode-0
pod to run commands using hdfs
$ kubectl exec -it namenode-0 --context=<cluster_name> -- /bin/bash
root> hdfs dfs -put /etc/hosts /
root> hdfs dfs -ls /
And thats it!