Kudo is a versatile decoding toolkit that provides a range of algorithms to handle different types of encoded data. It simplifies the process of decrypting and decoding various formats, making it easier to work with both simple and complex data. With its user-friendly design, Kudo helps you efficiently manage and interpret data.
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
- ROT13
- Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)
- Base32
- Base64
- Caesar Cipher
- Hexadecimal
- HTML Entity
- Morse Code
- PunnyCode
- Quoted Printable
- Unicode
- UNIX Datetime
- Vigenere Cipher
- Brainfuck
- Reversed Word
- Affine Cipher
- Base58
- A1Z26
- Rail Fence Cipher
- Substitution Cipher
- Tap Code
- Nihilist Cipher
- Polybius Cipher
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO Phonetic Alphabet)
- Fernet Encryption
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Kuraiyume/Kudo
Install the necessary libraries for Kudo
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Integrate with Shinichi Kudo
python3 kudo.py
If you don't know what Shinichi knows
~> h
Kudo is licensed under MIT License.
- Kuroshiro
- mkdirlove