Open-source note taking app that stores your notes on GitHub
👉 Live app:
Add it to your Home Screen on your phone to use it like a native app. It works offline, and all your data is synced directly from the browser to GitHub, no third party involved.
I created Notesz as a personal project. My goal was to create a simple, serverless, progressive web app (PWA) for note-taking that stores everything on GitHub, and also works well on phones. I'm trying my best to deliver a user experience as close to a native mobile app as possible with web technologies.
Fun fact: “Notesz” means “pocket notebook” in Hungarian. It's pronounced “not-ass”, IPA: /ˈnotɛs/.
TypeScript · Vue 3 · Tailwind CSS · CodeMirror · IndexedDB with idb · Vite · PWA Vite Plugin · Vitest · Vercel
- Light theme
- File/folder renaming (moving)
- Folder deletion
- More vibrant dynamic syntax themes (Notesz theme)
- Add to Home Screen prompts on iOS and Android
- Keeping the scroll position when switching between files
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Search in current file
- Fuzzy find to open files
Source code: MIT
Notesz logo: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0