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Voice100 includes neural TTS/ASR models. Inference of Voice100 is low cost as its models are tiny and only depend on CNN without recursion.


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Voice100 for C#


Quick start

Clone the repository. Make sure to enable Git LFS as WAV files are stored in LFS.

git clone

Visual Studio, you can open Voice100Sharp\Voice100Sharp.sln, set Voice100SharpApp to the default project, and run the program with F5.

The program runs one of several tests, given by the command argument.

In the voice100 test, it speaks once at the start up and then listens to the microphone and prints the recognized texts.

In the test test, reads a test file, test_data\transcript.txt and print predicted results. The format of the output is three columns separated by |, names of wav files, target texts, predicted texts. The test data is from test-clean.tar.gz of LibriSpeech.

In both mode, the program downloads required ONNX files from GitHub.

Name Target Predicted
61-70968-0000.wav he began a confused complaint against the wizard who had vanished behind the curtain on the left he began o confused complaint against the wizard who hadvanish behind the curti on the left
61-70968-0001.wav give not so earnest a mind to these mummeries child kihave not so earnest a mine to these mummaris child
61-70968-0002.wav a golden fortune and a happy life a golden fortune an a happy life
61-70968-0003.wav he was like unto my father in a way and yet was not my father he was like u t y father an away and yet was not my father
61-70968-0004.wav also there was a stripling page who turned into a maid also there was a strippling page who turned it to a mad
61-70968-0005.wav this was so sweet a lady sir and in some manner i do think she died this was so swet lady sir and and some manter i do think she died
61-70968-0006.wav but then the picture was gone as quickly as it came but then the picture was gone as quickly as it came
61-70968-0007.wav sister nell do you hear these marvels sister nell dyu hear these mavels
61-70968-0008.wav take your place and let us see what the crystal can show to you take your place and let us see wit the crystal can show to you
61-70968-0009.wav like as not young master though i am an old man like is not youg master though i am an old man
61-70968-0010.wav forthwith all ran to the opening of the tent to see what might be amiss but master will who peeped out first needed no more than one glance forthwith all rant the opening of the tent to see what might be amiss but master will who peped out first needed kno more than one glance
61-70968-0011.wav he gave way to the others very readily and retreated unperceived by the squire and mistress fitzooth to the rear of the tent he gave wy to the others very readily and retreated unperceived by the squire in mistress fitzoth to the rear of the tent
61-70968-0012.wav cries of a nottingham a nottingham cries of a notting cam on not acam
61-70968-0013.wav before them fled the stroller and his three sons capless and terrified before them floed the stroler and his three sons capless and terrified
61-70968-0014.wav what is the tumult and rioting cried out the squire authoritatively and he blew twice on a silver whistle which hung at his belt what is the tumuletan rioting cried out the squire authoritatively and he blew twice on the silver whistle which ong at is belt
61-70968-0015.wav nay we refused their request most politely most noble said the little stroller nay we refrezed the request most politely nost noble said the little stroller
61-70968-0016.wav and then they became vexed and would have snatched your purse from us and then they became vexed and would av snahe your persram us
61-70968-0017.wav i could not see my boy injured excellence for but doing his duty as one of cumberland's sons i could not see my boy injured excellencse for but doing his dutias one of cumberl and sons
61-70968-0018.wav so i did push this fellow so i did push this fellow
61-70968-0019.wav it is enough said george gamewell sharply and he turned upon the crowd it is enough said george game well sharply as he turned upon the crowd
61-70968-0020.wav shame on you citizens cried he i blush for my fellows of nottingham she on us citizens crie he i lish for my fellows of not ahim
61-70968-0021.wav surely we can submit with good grace surely we can submit with good grace
61-70968-0022.wav tis fine for you to talk old man answered the lean sullen apprentice tis find y you do tolk gold man answered the lean soinaprintec
61-70968-0023.wav but i wrestled with this fellow and do know that he played unfairly in the second bout but i ristled with this fellow and do know that he played un fairly in the second bout
61-70968-0024.wav spoke the squire losing all patience and it was to you that i gave another purse in consolation spoke the squire losing all patient and it was t you that i gave ather person consolation
61-70968-0025.wav come to me men here here he raised his voice still louder come to me men here here he raised his voice till louder
61-70968-0026.wav the strollers took their part in it with hearty zest now that they had some chance of beating off their foes the strolers took their partinit with harties askd now hat they had some chance of beating off their foes
61-70968-0027.wav robin and the little tumbler between them tried to force the squire to stand back and very valiantly did these two comport themselves robit in the little temper between them tried to force the squire to stand back and very valieatly to these to comport themselves
61-70968-0028.wav the head and chief of the riot the nottingham apprentice with clenched fists threatened montfichet the headen chief of the riot denodting hama printic with quench fists threatened montyche
61-70968-0029.wav the squire helped to thrust them all in and entered swiftly himself the squire helped to thrust them alland and enterd twifly himself
61-70968-0030.wav now be silent on your lives he began but the captured apprentice set up an instant shout now be silent on your lies he began but the capturedo printic set up in instant shout
61-70968-0031.wav silence you knave cried montfichet silence you nave cried montryshe
61-70968-0032.wav he felt for and found the wizard's black cloth the squire was quite out of breath he felt for an found the wistrd's black cloth the squire was quite out of breath
61-70968-0033.wav thrusting open the proper entrance of the tent robin suddenly rushed forth with his burden with a great shout thrusting opend the proper entrance of the tent robin suddenly rushed forth with his burden with a great shout
61-70968-0034.wav a montfichet a montfichet gamewell to the rescue amof fica a motychee game well to the recue
61-70968-0035.wav taking advantage of this the squire's few men redoubled their efforts and encouraged by robin's and the little stroller's cries fought their way to him taking advantage of this tesquires fu men re double their efforts and encouraged by robins in the little strollers cries faughtheir way to him
61-70968-0036.wav george montfichet will never forget this day george montfy she will never forget this day
61-70968-0037.wav what is your name lording asked the little stroller presently what is your name lording asked the little stroller presently
61-70968-0038.wav robin fitzooth ropin fitzfh
61-70968-0039.wav and mine is will stuteley shall we be comrades and mine as willl stuly shall we becomrade
61-70968-0040.wav right willingly for between us we have won the battle answered robin right willingly for between us we have one the bettle answered brobin
61-70968-0041.wav i like you will you are the second will that i have met and liked within two days is there a sign in that i like you will you are the second well that i have met en likhtd within two days is there is sign in that
61-70968-0042.wav montfichet called out for robin to give him an arm monty she called out for robin to give him an arm
61-70968-0043.wav friends said montfichet faintly to the wrestlers bear us escort so far as the sheriff's house friends said montveishe faintly to the restlers barrus escort so far as the surof's house
61-70968-0044.wav it will not be safe for you to stay here now it will not be safe for you to stay here now
61-70968-0045.wav pray follow us with mine and my lord sheriff's men pray follow us with mine in my lord sherismen
61-70968-0046.wav nottingham castle was reached and admittance was demanded not a aun castle was reached and imittence was demanded
61-70968-0047.wav master monceux the sheriff of nottingham was mightily put about when told of the rioting master monse the shereif o knodding ham was nightly put about hand told of the riting
61-70968-0048.wav and henry might return to england at any moment and henry might return to england at any moment
61-70968-0049.wav have your will child if the boy also wills it montfichet answered feeling too ill to oppose anything very strongly just then have your will child if the boy also will i monte shat answered feeling two ill to oppose anything very strongly just then
61-70968-0050.wav he made an effort to hide his condition from them all and robin felt his fingers tighten upon his arm he made an effort to hid hes condition from them all and robin felt his fingers tighten upon his arm
61-70968-0051.wav beg me a room of the sheriff child quickly bage me a room of the sherif child quickly
61-70968-0052.wav but who is this fellow plucking at your sleeve but who is is fellow puckyet wer speed
61-70968-0053.wav he is my esquire excellency returned robin with dignity he as my esqui excellency returned robin with dignity
61-70968-0054.wav mistress fitzooth had been carried off by the sheriff's daughter and her maids as soon as they had entered the house so that robin alone had the care of montfichet mistress fitteth had been carried off we the sarif daughter and her maids as soon as they had entered the house o that roben alone had the care of move shee
61-70968-0055.wav robin was glad when at length they were left to their own devices ropin was glad whand at length they were left ho their own devices
61-70968-0056.wav the wine did certainly bring back the color to the squire's cheeks the wind id certainly bring back to color to the squires cheeks
61-70968-0057.wav these escapades are not for old gamewell lad his day has come to twilight these escapates are not for old came well lad his day has come to twilight
61-70968-0058.wav will you forgive me now will you forgive me now
61-70968-0059.wav it will be no disappointment to me it will be no disappointment to me
61-70968-0060.wav no thanks i am glad to give you such easy happiness no thanks i am glad to give you such easy happiness
61-70968-0061.wav you are a worthy leech will presently whispered robin the wine has worked a marvel you are worthyyu leak will presently whispered roben the wine his worked a marfel
61-70968-0062.wav ay and show you some pretty tricks i an show you ome pretty tricks

Build unmanaged binaries

To compile Android native libraries, you need Android NDK from Visual Studio 2022.

Run build_native.ps1 from Developer PowerShell for VS2022.


Voice100 includes neural TTS/ASR models. Inference of Voice100 is low cost as its models are tiny and only depend on CNN without recursion.








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