The idea of this app is to create a "billboard" style site for people who would like to offer Goods, Services or Food.
To connect people who may need goods, services and food with people who can and would like to.
Hey I'm a readme
To get started run:
yarn knex:migrate latest
yarn knex:seed run
Rename the 'rename me to .env' to .env
You should now be able to register and login accounts
Cameron - Product Owner
Richard - Git Master / Deployer
GET /API/posts/:category - gets list of posts from selected category
id: 1
user_id: 2
title: Need help with lawnmowing
content: I have a massive lawn that needs mowing. I can pick you up and drop off after. I can pay cash and provide a meal.
created: 2345252345
expdate: 34536356356
GET /API/posts/post/:id - gets individual posts
id: 1
user_id: 2
title: Need help with lawnmowing
content: I have a massive lawn that needs mowing. I can pick you up and drop off after. I can pay cash and provide a meal.
created: 2345252345
expdate: 34536356356
POST /API/newpost - writes new post to posts DB
User_ID: 345
Category: Work
Title: Need help with lawnmowing
Content: I have a massive lawn that needs mowing. I can pick you up and drop off after. I can pay cash and provide a meal
Created: 2345252345
Exp date: 34536356356
POST /API/register - adds new user to user DB
Name: Joe Blog
User name: Joe Blog 123
Password: qoiwfn398(Y#JFmnad
GET /API/login - logs registered user in and routes to logged in page
User name: Joe Blog 123
Password: password123
POST /API/posts/:id/message - writes message against post to message DB
DEL /API/posts/:id - deletes post from posts DB
UPDATE /API/posts/:id - edits post from posts DB
- User/clients does not need to register to view postings
- Users can browse all the postings (goods/works/foods)
- Users can filters the postings (based on goods/works/foods)
- Providers need to register to post G/W/F
- As a registered user I want to be able to manage my posts. Every post of mine needs to have a 'Delete' and an 'Edit' button.
- As a non-registered user, when I am viewing the details of a post I want to be able to leave a message for the poster. There will be a single form field with a submit button. Once submitted the message will be visible on the same page underneath the listing (with the form field and submit button underneath it).
The database will have three tables. User will have a one to many relationship to Posts. Posts will have a one to many relationship to Messages.
- id: primary key, autoincrement, integer
- name: string
- user name: string
- email: string
- password: string
- id: primary key, autoincrement, integer
- user_id: secondary key, integer
- title: string
- content: string
- category: string
- expdate: date
- created: date
- id: primary key, autoincrement, integer
- posts_id: secondary key, integer
- message: string
- date: date