LOKAL is a local story telling app for Iwi to tell their stories about their places.
LOKAL works with Iwi to create walking tours of cities and allow visitors to experience the depth of the local environment through Māori eyes. We hope you enjoy exploring. Ka kite! https://lokalstories.herokuapp.com/#/
- Take breaks before you need to take breaks
- Take a walk every three hours
- Anyone can call a stand up at anytime to discuss anything
- Practice self care
- Practice self love
- Look after one another
- Eat good food - each person to do a dinner (partners very welcome)
- Be loud, be honest and open about how you are doing with the team
- Do a fist to five check in
time | task |
Thursday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 1 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch (Ben out with brother) |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 2 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Dani |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch Web app to be completed and deployed by COP |
Friday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 3 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 4 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Robbie |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch Mobile app |
Saturday | |
All day | optional work on stretch (Matt in Wairarapa) |
Sunday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 5 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 6 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Ben |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch MVP to be complete by close of play |
Monday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 7 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 8 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Matt (Robbie off at antenatal class) |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch |
Tuesday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 9 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 10 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Dani |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch feature freeze to be completed by close of play |
Wednesday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Sprint 11 - deploy |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Sprint 12 - deploy |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Dinner - Ben |
6.00pm-onwards stretch | Sprint/Stretch Code freeze to be completed by close of play Midnight - deploy |
Thursday | |
9.00am-12.00pm | Presentation prep |
12.00pm-1.30pm | Lunch |
1.30pm-5.00pm | Presentation prep |
5.00pm-6.00pm | Presentation celbration |
As a user:
- As a tourist user I want to access the app without any authentication, get a brief intro into what the app does and enter into exploring the region I am in.
- I want to enter in and select the Iwi from which I wan't a story in the region I'm exploring. I'd like to then select from the Iwi's available stories to explore based on a map and then explore that story I select.
As a contributer:
- As an Iwi representative I'd like to register to submit stories from my Iwi about our journey within a certain region.
- I'd like to be able to view submitted stories, edit/update them, delete them and add new stories.
- I want
- I'd like to be able to see how many people have viewed each of the stories in my Iwi's portfolio.
name | purpose |
type | data | purpose |
type | data | purpose |
type | data | purpose |
Method | Endpoint | Protected | Usage | Response |
Get | /api/iwi | No | create list for selection | An array of Iwi details |
Get | /api/iwiinfo/:id | No | create list for selection | Gets Iwi info by id |
Get | /api/story/:id | No | create list for selection | Gets story by id |
Get | /api/story/iwi/:id | No | create list for selection | Gets a list of Iwi's stories by Iwi id. |
Do we Need a get location?
Method | Endpoint | Protected | Usage | Response |
Post | /api/story/:id | Yes | submit a story | Posts a new story |
Put | /api/story/:id | Yes | edit a story | An array of contributer stories |
Del | /api/story/:id | Yes | delete a story | Contributer removes a story |
There should be three tables for MVP
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
iwi_name | String |
location | String |
contact_name | String |
String | |
phone | Interger |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
IWI_ID | Interger |
latitude | Interger |
longitude | Interger |
title | String |
content | String |
image | Image |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Interger |
IWI_ID | Interger |
content | String |
image | Image |
Run the following commands in your terminal:
yarn install
yarn knex migrate:latest
yarn knex seed:run
mv .env_example .env
To run in development:
yarn dev
- or -
npm run dev
To run in production:
yarn start
- or -
npm start
Create your app with heroku create [name]
You can check that this was successful by running heroku apps
to view a list of your apps
Add postgresql (hobby dev) to your app at https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/[APP NAME HERE]/resources
Check that pg has been added by running heroku addons
to ensure the postgresql db is on your app
I have created several npm scripts that will be useful for deploying your app to heroku easily.
To push your local master branch to your heroku app:
yarn h:deploy
- or -
npm run h:deploy
Run heroku migrations:
yarn h:migrate
- or -
npm run h:migrate
Run heroku seeds:
yarn h:seed
- or -
npm run h:seed
If ever you need to rollback, you can also:
yarn h:rollback
- or -
npm run h:rollback
Your app should be deployed!
Product Owner: MATT - Maintain the readme as the agreed requirements of the project. If these requirements change, make the change in the readme and then notify affected teams. Git Master: DANI - Make the merges work. Fun Master: ROBBIE - Encourage the fun happening. Vibes Watcher: ROBBIE - Peace man. Diary Keeper: ROBBIE - Record progress for presentation. Architecture Team: Maintain the documentation of the readme with respect to the APIs. Routes, payloads and behaviours. This is the agreement on how data will flow in the app. Backend Team: Build the APIs as per the readme and test them with Postman Frontend Team: Build the wireframes in conjunction with the product owner and then build the interface Timekeeper: Schedules and calls standups (can be done by the product owner)
Notes: Create pull requests for all features and have them reviewed by Engie, Kelly or Ross.
"userName" : "memelord69",
"firstName" : "Thing",
"lastName" : "Trundell",
"password" : "sosecret",
"personCostPerHour" : 100
"userName" : "memelord69",
"password" : "sosecret",
"id" : 1,
"meetingName" : "This meeting's name",
"attendees" : [
"userId" : 1234,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,
"time": timestamp
"meetingCostPerHour" : 250.00,
"totalMeetingTimeSeconds" : 360,
"totalCostOfMeeting" : 6000.00
"meetingName" : "This meeting's name",
"attendees" : [
"userId" : 1234,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"time" : "date and time",
"meetingCostPerHour" : 250.00,
"totalMeetingTimeSeconds" : 360,
"totalCostOfMeeting" : 6000.00
"id" : 3000,
"meetingName" : "This meeting's name",
"attendees" : [
"id" : 1234,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,
"time": timestamp
"meetingCostPerHour" : 250.00,
"totalMeetingTimeSeconds" : 360,
"totalCostOfMeeting" : 6000.00
"id" : 1234,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,
"id" : 5678,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,
"id" : 1234,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,
"id" : 5678,
"userName" : "handle name",
"firstName" : "Name",
"lastName" : "Name",
"personCostPerHour" : 100.00,