{{ EducAid is a non-for-profit online crowdfunding platform that aims to make highly rated, online educational courses/learning more accessible to those who are trying to better themselves, yet are limited by their financial situation. If it's a career change you're seeking Regardless of an individuals' highest level of education, current occupation/industry, EducAid can assist.
Potential donors: Private enterprise, philanthropists and the general public, and even the participating institutions themselves could donate to get the ball rolling. }}
- Username
- Email Address
- Password
- Create a project
- Title
- Owner (a user)
- Description
- Image
- Target Amount to fundraise
- Open/Close (Accepting new supporters)
- When was the project created
- Ability to pledge to a project
- An amount
- The project the pledge is for
- The supporter
- Whether the pledge is anonymous
- A comment to go with the pledge
Note: Not all of these may be required for your project, if you have not included one of these please justify why.
- Project
- Create
- Retrieve
- Update
- Destroy
- Pledge
- Create
- Retrieve
- Update
- Destroy
- User
- Create
- Retrieve
- Update
- Destroy
Note: Not all of these may be required for your project, if you have not included one of these please justify why.
- Project
- Limit who can create Default - must have authentication to create a project
- Limit who can retrieve No authentication required to view projects
- Limit who can update
- Limit who can delete
- Pledge
- Limit who can create Default - must have an authentication to create a pledge
- Limit who can retrieve No authentication required to view other users pledges
- Limit who can update
- Limit who can delete
- User
- Limit who can retrieve Users cannot view other users User profile details, list view only hide personal details in list view?
- Limit who can update
- Limit who can delete
- Get returns 200
- Create returns 201
- Not found returns 404
- 404 response returns JSON rather than text
- implement /api-token-auth/
- {Filtering }
{{ Filtering through existing project list based on a number of parameters }}
- {Local search function}
{{ Search Function currently embedded into Filter }}
- {Global Search Function}
{{ Site-wide search function through both users and projects models }}
- django-filter
A link to the deployed project. https://little-silence-1263.fly.dev/
A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a successful GET method for any endpoint.
A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a successful POST method for any endpoint.
A screenshot of Insomnia, demonstrating a token being returned.
Your refined API specification and Database Schema.
*API Spec: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15uhUWko3P4Z2_bwiIbDz3tKzQwObk-tJgQqC9SFlBtA/edit?usp=sharing *Database Schema and MVP in 'Ben'.
Step by step instructions for how to register a new user and create a new project (i.e. endpoints and body data).
- Create User
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/users/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token 7a56f8811047d79b47498ed97445a4a7ac7fcbc3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"first_name": "Harriette",
"last_name": "Wells",
"date_of_birth": "1998-08-09",
"profile_picture": "http://t0.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcSl2g-ek1913YE-0UKoWmzr1y-nXzJ59fBAWDH7klvHtc1saFzy8ynISmHCzc-S3n5ELMCPUf8xlomN2-w",
"bio": "Hi, I'\''m Harriete :)",
"country_of_residence": "Switzerland",
"highest_level_of_education": "Technical entry",
"username": "Harriette",
"email": "harriettewells@gmail.com",
"password": "harriettewells",
"repeat_password": "harrygeorge"
- Sign in User
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/api-token-auth/ \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"username": "admin",
"password": "bigboss2"
- Create Project
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8000/projects/ \
--header 'Authorization: Token 7a56f8811047d79b47498ed97445a4a7ac7fcbc3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"title": "Fat panda",
"description": "Squish the fat panda!",
"goal": 12.5,
"image": "https://cff2.earth.com/uploads/2022/01/18083629/Giant-pandas2-960x640.jpg",
"is_open": true,
"date_created": "2023-01-29T04:01:05.630Z"