Booking backend system using solidity contract to provide the following feature:
- Get room per id (using public visibility on
mapping) - Book a room
- Cancel a booking
This project is based on truffle. In order to run, here is my recommendation (other approach are possible though ...):
- Install Ganache (the delicious UI that creates a local blockchain)
- Launch Ganache and create a new workspace using default settings (ethereum based / port 7545)
- Run
npm install
to install dep - Run
npm run migrate
to deploy the contract on the Ganache testing chain
If you have any issue, check truflle-config.js
and update according to your setup
When deployed, run npm run test
to check if everything is working as expected.
Finally, retrieve the contract address and use it in the booking-frontend
You will need to configure MetaMask to connect to your local blockchain. The settings for using Ganache on MetaMask are the following:
- Name: ganache
- RPC URL: http://localhost:7545
- ChainID: 1337
- Currency symbol: ETH