This clone-of-a-clone is an adaptation of the breadboard and through-hole parts-friendly Arduino Uno, a.k.a. Boarduino by Lady Ada.
The orginal Boarduino was designed with a ceramic resonator in mind, which isn't available at my local electronics stores. So I redesigned the layout in Autodesk EAGLE to make space for the more readily available crystal oscillator.
Check out this blinking LED demo for a look at the final (manufactured and assembled) board.
I could only manage to get my hands on a ATMEGA328-PU, and not the Arduino-supported ATMEGA328P-PU, which means bootloading troubles! Of the handful of workarounds that I found on the web, this one helped the most.
Here are links to the original Boarduino, other Boarduino-like products, and some related resources.
- DC and USB Boarduino kits and assembly tutorial by Lada Ada, Adafruit Industries.
- Really Bare Bones Board (RBBB) by Modern Device. Their document on assembly instructions includes a great how-to section for soldering novices.
- If the purple PCB in the video wasn't enough of a hint, I got the boards fabricated from OSH Park!
The design files are made available under CC BY-SA 3.0.
#Open-Source Hardware #Arduino Uno Clone # Boarduino Clone #Adafruit