-DEMO >>> https://kamgray.smallhost.pl/
U can use one of those accounts:
Or create your own
-- I'm using blk design system for bootsrap: https://demos.creative-tim.com/blk-design-system/
-Add delete comment functionality
-Add test for login_user view
-Add tests for can_not_see_profile() method
-Add like button and like counter for posts (no js)
-Add Endless scroll for posts (django pagination + infinity.js and waypoint.js)
-Add PostWall (you can add/edit/delete post)
-Add notification after delete
-Now you see friends post on your wall
-Add detail post page
-Add comments to posts on detail post page (add endless scroll for comments)
-Add read more functionality to longer posts
-Add Profile Page
-Now your profile can be visible only for your friends (checkbox in edit profile page)
-Re-writed visible statement (now you can call can_not_see_profile())
-Rewrited and deleted massive amount of code
-Add edit user profile
-Add notification bar
-Fixed redirects
-Now register form is based on UserCreationForm
-Add redirects for not logged user
-Add error messages system to login/register page
-Add delete friend
-Add cancel friend request
-Add accept/decline friend request