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Reactive LocalStorage for React

Reactive LocalStorage for React that uses Web Crypto API underneath for encryption using AES-GCM.

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$ pnpm i react-reactive-storage


It provides an easy-to-use useLsState hook which is very similar to useState in react. An additional key parameter is used which defines key of object on local storage.

const [state, setState] = useLsState<T>(key: string, defaultValue?: T);


The usage is similar to useState from React.

import { useLsState } from "react-reactive-storage";

const [user, setUser] = useLsState<{name: string, age: number}>('user', {name: 'asad', age: 2});

The item in localstorage is fully reactive and is updated and reflected everywhere even when changed through multiple tabs, either by 'setState' method or any other means for example through window.localstorage or devtools. Note that if encryption is enabled (see below) and the encrypted data is changed by any other means than this library, it will corrupt the data and value will be read null. See below for more details.


Important: Sensitive secrets should never be stored on client-side even in encrypted format.

The encryption is done through Web Crypto API which is native in Javascript that provides cryptographic functions under CryptoSubtle interface.

The library uses AES_GCM algorithm. First it generates a symmetric key, encrypts the key further using a wrapping key and stores it in local storage with name secure_reactive_storage to persist the key across reloads. If secure_reactive_storage already exists in local storage then it decrypts the key and use it for encryption/decryption. Whenever data is read/written, the data is encrypted/decrypted using this symmetric key. If secure_reactive_storage gets deleted or modified, the key will be failed to load on page load and a new key will be generated hence discarding all the data encrypted with that key.

Disabling Encryption

By default encryption is enabled. The encryption can be enabled/disabled through ReactiveStorage class using disableEncryption method. Call the function once in the entry point of your app (e.g. in main.tsx or App.tsx whatever you have).

import { ReactiveStorage } from 'react-reactive-storage'
