College Ecosystem is a monorepo for various projects aimed at creating a comprehensive platform for managing and interacting with different aspects of a college environment. It includes frontend applications built with Next.js and a backend server using Express and TypeScript.
- Platform: A Next.js application for the main platform.
- Website: A Next.js application for the college website.
- Server: An Express server with TypeScript for backend operations.
- Modular Architecture: Scalable and maintainable project structure.
/platform # College Platform (
/website # Website (
/turbo.json # Turbo Repo configuration
/package.json # Root package.json with Yarn workspaces configuration
/.gitignore # Git ignore file
/ # This readme file
- Frontend: Next.js, React, TypeScript
- Backend: Express, TypeScript, Node.js
- Database: MongoDB with mongoose,Upstash Redis, Postgres SQL with Drizzle ORM
- Build Tools: Turbo
- Other: Docker, ESLint, Prettier (Biome on local), Jest
We use GitHub Actions to automate the deployment process for both Vercel and Docker, deploy.
We welcome contributions! Please see our for more details.