Kanari SDK
flowchart TB
%% Application Layer
subgraph "Application Layer"
A1["CLI Tools"]
A2["Web Explorer A"]
A3["Web Explorer B"]
%% Framework Layer
subgraph "Framework Layer"
F1["Kanari SDK"]
F2["Move Standard Library"]
F3["System SDK"]
%% Core Layer
subgraph "Core Layer"
%% Blockchain Sub-layer
subgraph "Blockchain"
C1["K2 Core"]
C2["TX Management"]
C3["State Management"]
%% Runtime Sub-layer
subgraph "Runtime"
R1["Move VM"]
R2["Move Compiler"]
%% Consensus Sub-layer
subgraph "Consensus"
CS1["PoW Engine"]
CS2["PoS Engine"]
%% Network Layer
subgraph "Network Layer"
N1["P2P Network"]
N2["RPC Network"]
%% Storage Layer
subgraph "Storage Layer"
S1["Wallet Store"]
S2["File Store"]
S3["State DB"]
%% Legend
subgraph "Legend"
L1["Application Layer (Light Blue)"]
L2["Framework Layer (Light Green)"]
L3["Core Layer (Light Pink)"]
L4["Network Layer (Khaki)"]
L5["Storage Layer (Light Grey)"]
%% Inter-layer Connections
%% Application -> Framework
A1 --> F1
A2 --> F1
A3 --> F1
A4 --> F1
%% Framework -> Core
F1 --> C1
F1 --> R1
%% Internal Core - Blockchain, Runtime, Consensus
C1 --> C2
C1 --> C3
R1 --> R2
%% Bidirectional interactions between Blockchain and Runtime
C1 <--> R1
%% Bidirectional interactions between Blockchain and Consensus engines
C1 <--> CS1
C1 <--> CS2
%% Core -> Network
C1 --> N1
C1 --> N2
%% Network internal bidirectional exchange
N1 <--> N2
%% Core -> Storage
C1 --> S3
C3 --> S3
S1 --> S3
S2 --> S3
%% Class Definitions for color coding
class A1,A2,A3,A4 application
class F1,F2,F3 framework
class C1,C2,C3,R1,R2,CS1,CS2 core
class N1,N2 network
class S1,S2,S3 storage
classDef application fill:#ADD8E6,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef framework fill:#90EE90,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef core fill:#FFB6C1,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef network fill:#F0E68C,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef storage fill:#D3D3D3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
%% Click Events from Component Mapping
click A1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/command"
click A2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/web/kari-explorer"
click A3 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/web/tool_mata"
click A4 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/rpc/rpc-api"
click F1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/framework/kanari-framework"
click F2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/framework/move-stdlib"
click F3 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/framework/kanari-system"
click C1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/core/k2"
click R1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/kari-move"
click R2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/kari-move"
click CS1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/consensus/pow"
click CS2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/consensus/pos"
click N1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/core/p2p"
click N2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/core/network"
click S1 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/crates/core/wallet"
click S2 "https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk/tree/kanari-sdk/monaos/mona-storage"
- Ensure you have Ubuntu or a similar Linux distribution.
- Install necessary dependencies like
using the providedbuild_ubuntu.sh
- Rust is required for building and running the Kari chain. Use the command provided in the
script to install Rust and its package manager, Cargo.
- Obtain the source code for Kari chain. This might involve cloning a Git repository or downloading source code from a specific location.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Run
cargo build --release
to compile the project. This command compiles the project in release mode, optimizing the binary for performance.
- After building, you can start a Kari chain node using
cargo run --release
. This command runs the compiled project. - Depending on the project's specifics, you might need to add additional flags or configuration files to successfully start a node.
- Use the provided tools and documentation to interact with the Kari chain. This could involve sending transactions, mining blocks, or querying the blockchain state.
- Regularly update your local repository with the latest changes from the main Kari chain source.
- Rebuild the project as needed to ensure you're running the latest version.
# Update and install dependencies
# Clone the Kari chain repo
git clone https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk.git
cd kanari-network
# Initialize and update submodules
git submodule init
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Build the project
cargo build --release
# Generate wallet
cargo run --release --bin kari keytool generate
# Configure and start node
# Interactive prompts will ask for:
# 1. Node type (enter 1 for validator)
# 2. RPC port (default: 3031)
# 3. Network domain (default: devnet.kari.network)
cargo run --release --bin kari start
# Start Kari node
# Windows
cargo run --release --bin kari start
# Linux/MacOS
cargo run --release --bin kari start
- Install Visual Studio Build Tools
- Install Rust
- Install MinGW via chocolatey:
choco install mingw
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/kanari-network/kanari-sdk.git --branch kanari-sdk kari