This library provides robust classes and functions to work with matrices and fractions in C++. It is designed to facilitate complex mathematical computations and ease the process of handling matrices and fractions. The library includes comprehensive features for matrix operations, file I/O for CSV files, and various utility functions for diverse mathematical computations.
- Default constructor.
Fraction(int num, int den)
- Parameterized constructor with numerator (
) and denominator (den
- Parameterized constructor with numerator (
void setNumerator(int num)
- Set numerator to
- Set numerator to
void setDenominator(int den)
- Set denominator to
- Set denominator to
void setFraction(int num, int den)
- Set both numerator and denominator.
int getNumerator() const
- Get the numerator.
int getDenominator() const
- Get the denominator.
std::pair<int, int> getFraction() const
- Get the fraction as a pair.
int gcd(int a, int b) const
- Calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD).
void simplify()
- Simplify the fraction to its simplest form.
void display() const
- Display the fraction in
- Display the fraction in
Fraction inverse() const
- Get the inverse of the fraction.
Fraction operator+(const Fraction& other) const
- Addition with another fraction.
Fraction operator-(const Fraction& other) const
- Subtraction with another fraction.
Fraction operator*(const Fraction& other) const
- Multiplication with another fraction.
Fraction operator/(const Fraction& other) const
- Division with another fraction.
Fraction operator+(int value) const
- Addition with an integer.
Fraction operator-(int value) const
- Subtraction with an integer.
Fraction operator*(int value) const
- Multiplication with an integer.
Fraction operator/(int value) const
- Division with an integer.
Fraction operator-() const
- Unary negation.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Fraction& fraction)
- Output stream operator.
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Fraction& fraction)
- Input stream operator.
- Default constructor.
Matrix(int rows, int cols)
- Parameterized constructor with number of rows (
) and columns (cols
- Parameterized constructor with number of rows (
Matrix(int size, const Fraction& diagonalValue)
- Parameterized constructor for diagonal scalar matrix.
Matrix(int rows, int cols, const std::vector<std::vector<Fraction>>& elements)
- Parameterized constructor with elements from an array.
Matrix(const Matrix& other)
- Copy constructor.
- Properly deallocates memory.
void display() const
- Display the matrix.
void setElement(int row, int col, const Fraction& value)
- Set the element at
- Set the element at
Fraction getElement(int row, int col) const
- Get the element at
- Get the element at
Fraction trace() const
- Calculate the trace of the matrix.
Fraction determinant() const
- Calculate the determinant of the matrix.
int rowMajorOrder(int row, int col) const
- Calculate the position in row-major order.
int columnMajorOrder(int row, int col) const
- Calculate the position in column-major order.
Matrix power(int exponent) const
- Raise the matrix to a power of
- Raise the matrix to a power of
Matrix reshape(int newRows, int newCols) const
- Reshape the matrix to
- Reshape the matrix to
Matrix transpose() const
- Transpose the matrix.
Matrix concatenateRows(const Matrix& other) const
- Concatenate with another matrix along rows.
Matrix concatenateColumns(const Matrix& other) const
- Concatenate with another matrix along columns.
std::vector<Fraction> characteristicPolynomial() const
- Calculate the characteristic polynomial of the matrix.
Matrix operator*(const Fraction& value) const
- Multiplication by a fraction.
Matrix operator+(const Matrix& other) const
- Addition with another matrix.
Matrix operator-(const Matrix& other) const
- Subtraction with another matrix.
Matrix operator*(const Matrix& other) const
- Multiplication with another matrix.
Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& other)
- Assignment operator.
std::vector<Fraction>& operator[](int index)
- Subscript operator for accessing rows.
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Matrix& matrix)
- Output stream operator.
void readCSV(const std::string& filename)
- Reads a matrix from a CSV file.
void writeCSV(const std::string& filename) const
- Writes a matrix and its properties (trace, determinant, transpose, characteristic polynomial) to a CSV file.
- Create or import matrices.
- Perform various matrix operations.
- Read and write matrices to and from CSV files.