This library is an updated and compiled implementation from the one Joonik Team has ported with a lot of effort. The original app was designed for eclipse and comes bundled with the printer.
This new implementation is designed to Android Studio and are using the library "androidx" to work better on android newer versions. It has a much simpler interface and UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 (Latin) charset compatibility.
An demo implementation can be found into demo repository
- Simple interface
- UTF-8/ISO-8859-1 charset compatibility
- Print QR Code
- Print images from camera and from gallery
- Compatibility with newer versions of Android
Min SDK Version >= 23
Target SDK >= 28
- Add Jitpack repository into you project:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Add library implementation "implementation 'com.github.thiagoyou:bluetooth-mini-printer-library:Tag'"
- Sync build.gradle and build your project
See Jitpack docs for more info.
Follow these steps to import the library into your project:
- Download the library
- Go to you project under "File" -> "New" -> "Import Module"
- In build.gradle, import library as "implementation project(':bluetooth-mini-printer-library')"
- Sync build.gradle and build your project